Qi Ran didn't know what to do for a moment, so he decided to calm down first.

So he stayed in the company for several days, and it felt like he was back to before Wan Ge got pregnant.

Qi Ran had just finished a meeting in the morning, and on his way back to the office, he suddenly found that there were many missed calls on his phone, all from his mother.

When he was about to call back, the page for answering the call popped up again. Qi Ran pressed the answer button and asked in a cold voice: "Mom, what's wrong?"

"A Ran! Come to the hospital quickly! Wan Ge had a car accident, it's very serious, come quickly! A Ran? Are you listening? A Ran???"

The phone slipped directly from Qi Ran's hand. At this moment, Qi Ran's mind was blank. He immediately picked up the phone and walked to the parking lot.

When Qi Ran rushed to the hospital, he saw his mother sitting at the door of the emergency room.

"How is Wan Ge?" Qi Ran immediately grabbed his mother's hand, his eyes full of anxiety and worry.

"The doctor said it's not good... You have to be mentally prepared." It seems that his son is really moved, not just because she is the mother of the child.

He really thought that his son was because of the child, so now he ignored Wan Ge after the child was born. But why are they in a cold war again recently?

Qi Ran sat beside her, covering his head, his lips were still pale. Less than a minute after sitting down, he stood up again and walked around the door for many circles.

"I'm going to answer a call, you are here." Mrs. Qi took her mobile phone and left.

Qi Ran waited restlessly for several minutes, and suddenly a familiar voice sounded: "Qi Ran?"

When Qi Ran turned around, he saw a person with gauze wrapped on his head.

"Wan Ge!" Qi Ran immediately stepped forward and hugged the person in his arms, hugging him tightly.

"Why are you here?" Wan Ge's eyes were full of confusion.

Qi Ran finally remembered: "Mother said you were in a car accident and were seriously injured?"

But Wan Ge's condition now doesn't seem to be very serious. Her face looks very normal. Her head and hands are wrapped in gauze, but she seems to be able to move normally...

"Ah? I'm fine... just a few scratches, no big problem." Wan Ge was confused.

Qi Ran also took another look and it seemed that it was really not serious: "What happened?"

Although she was not seriously injured, just looking at the gauze she was bandaged with, Qi Ran found that his heart was still hurt. It was him who failed to protect her... What if she was not slightly injured this time? What if it was really as his mother said... What should he do?

When he was fidgeting just now, he didn't think about this question at all. Because he didn't dare to think about it, as for what he was thinking... He could only say that his mind was blank, and his heart was panicking. He didn't even know what he was thinking, he just knew that he was very scared.

Wan Ge answered softly again: "I went out today, and when I was crossing the road, a car lost control. I dodged with a little boy in my arms and got slightly injured."

Fortunately, she reacted quickly, otherwise she and the little boy next to her might have died.

Qi Ran wanted to hug her tighter, but was afraid of hurting her who was now injured.

Wan Ge felt something wet dripping on her neck, and when she let him go, she saw Qi Ran crying. Is this the second time she saw him cry? The last time he cried when he knew that he had been plotting against him and got drunk.

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