"Young prince, is it not good for us to go out alone?" Wan Ge turned around and looked behind her.

It must be said that the petals of the pear tree fell, just like snow, and Mo Yan behind her was like an immortal walking on the snow.

"What's wrong with that?" He did it on purpose, and this was the result he wanted.

Mo Yan tied the cloak in his hand to Wan Ge: "You have just recovered from your illness, and you need to be careful not to catch a cold."

When Mo Yan helped someone rob, his gentle voice said this again.

Wan Ge did not refuse. In fact, she felt that Mo Yan was pursuing her, so she was waiting, waiting for him to give her a surprise.

It seems that she has never been pursued properly, and most of the time she took the initiative to get close to him.

Wan Ge replied with a "yes", and at the same time raised her head and happened to meet his eyes.

At the moment when their eyes met, Mo Yan felt his heart tremble again, as if his heart would jump out in a moment.

Mo Yan raised his hand, and Wan Ge felt that her hair was a little heavier, and soon became lighter, but there was obviously something more.

"Little Prince?" Wan Ge's eyes seemed full of confusion.

Mo Yan coughed lightly and then said: "I saw this hairpin a few days ago and it was very beautiful. I thought it was suitable for you, so I bought it."

Wan Ge waved her hand quickly: "No, the hairpin is a token of love, I can't accept it."

As Wan Ge finished speaking, she took off the hairpin and returned it to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan couldn't help tightening his hand holding the hairpin, but still said nothing.

Mo Yan continued to stay with Wan Ge as if nothing had happened. Wan Ge actually felt the other party's loss, but she didn't expose it.

They stayed for a long time. Thinking that it was almost time for lunch, Mo Yan took him to Fengyu Tower.

Although it is the largest intelligence building, it is still the best restaurant on the surface. It has to be said that from the dishes to the architecture and the location, it is particularly excellent.

Wan Ge sat on the top of the high building and looked at the scenery downstairs. It has to be said that it is really beautiful.

Mo Yan looked at the woman in front of him. Wan Ge took off the veil she had worn after entering the box.

"What's wrong with the little prince?" Wan Ge found that the other party had been looking at her, so she asked softly.

Mo Yan shook his head, then asked Wan Ge: "Do you like my brother very much?"

Wan Ge was silent for a while, and finally answered: "The prince is a very good person."

The male protagonist is indeed a good person, not bound by petty love. Even if he met Fu Liu who traveled through time in the plot, he still did not put too much energy on emotions.

As for treating the original owner, it was also arranged very well, but he could not respond to the original owner's feelings for him.

"What about me?" Mo Yan looked at Wan Ge in front of him seriously, trying to find traces of liking himself from her.

Wan Ge raised her lips, her cheeks flushed slightly and replied: "The little prince is also very good."

Wan Ge's shyness is more about the shyness of evaluating a person in person, rather than the love between men and women.

Mo Yan didn't say anything more, and the food was served soon.

Mo Yan just watched Wan Ge eat quietly. He just ate a few bites casually and found that Wan Ge liked some of her favorite pastries. Before leaving, he asked someone to pack a portion of her favorite pastries.

After returning to the palace, Mo Yan was called away and Wan Ge returned to her own bedroom.

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