Looking at the other person's reaction, he must have known what he had just seen with the prince.

"Brother Yan, you can ask anything you want." He was about to start hiding his daily jealousy in his heart, and then let his jealousy magnify infinitely.

Mo Yan lowered his head, just hugged the person in front of him tightly or said nothing.

"Mo Yan, you are my husband, you have the right to ask, and you have the right to know."

Mo Yan turned around and said: "But I don't want to know."

He didn't want to know what she talked about with the prince, he didn't want to know what happened between her and the prince, he didn't want to know anything.

"Mo Yi!" Wan Ge knew him too well, so she could understand what he was thinking at this moment, and she was angry because of this: "Do you still think I like the prince? I'm not a slut. Everyone wanted me to be the princess, but I eloped with you without hesitation. Do you think I'm still coveting you?"

"No." Mo Yan felt that she was angry. Although she didn't know what Wan Ge was angry about, she must be furious now.

Mo Yan knew very well that what he had to do now was to admit his mistake: "I'm sorry, Wan Ge, I didn't mean that, it's just... it's just that you have been following my brother for so many years, so... that's why I..."

"So you think I like him, even if I'm about to marry you, I still like him, right?"

Mo Yan knelt on the ground with a plop: "Wan Ge, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, don't be angry."

"What's wrong?"

"I..." Mo Yan didn't know what he was wrong for a moment, not knowing whether he said something wrong, or blamed himself for thinking too much, or both.

"Mo Yan, I'm angry at you for not having confidence in our relationship. Don't you believe that I love you?"

Mo Yan immediately stood up and hugged her in his arms: "I believe it, I always believe it."

"Oh, always believe it? Do you really believe it, or are you deceiving yourself?"

With his personality, even if she really doesn't like him, he will definitely brainwash himself in various ways, desperately saying in his heart: She just loves him, and no one can take it away from her.

Wan Ge stood on tiptoe and looked at him, holding his collar with one hand, and Mo Yan naturally moved closer.

"Mo Yan, I said I like you, and I will only be moved once in this life. I tell you, if you still think I like someone else in the future, then don't come again."

Mo Yan felt uncomfortable all over when he heard what she said. "No, I really know I was wrong. I only like Wan Ge. I'm just... I'm too jealous. I'm jealous that he once had all the beauty that Wan Ge gave him."

"Not all, and I chased him before, just because of a marriage contract. What's more, Ah Yan avoided me like a snake and scorpion at that time, so I could only have more contact with the prince."

When Mo Yan heard this, he recalled it quickly in his mind, but he couldn't remember too much about the past. Maybe they didn't have much contact at all.

"Wan Ge, it's my fault. I knew how to avoid you before. I obviously wanted to be with you, but I kept insisting because of those pedantic ideas." The idea that if I didn't get close to you, I wouldn't be tempted, now seems absurd and ridiculous.

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