Wan Ge didn't need to think seriously, she knew that this loss of control must be the masterpiece of the system. Since the system was so dedicated, Wan Ge couldn't shirk it.

And she'd better finish it quickly, finish this task, and leave early. Staying too long with Jing Zhong is not a good thing.

Although Wan Ge is not afraid of the other party's male lead aura, which will make her like him, she really doesn't want to have a long-term entanglement with other men.

Wan Ge closed her eyes and grabbed the reins tightly, looking very scared, as if she couldn't even scream.

After hearing a few swish sounds, Jing Zhong sat behind her, holding the reins with one hand and hugging her with the other hand, and quickly stabilized the horse.

Wan Ge still looked frightened, and it took a while for her to come back to her senses. She looked up at Jing Zhong weakly, and finally whispered: "Thank you, little general."

Jing Zhong just hummed, and then took Wan Ge back to the main force without saying a word.

Before Jingzhong put the man down and left, he said, "Riding a horse is not suitable for you, don't ride it anymore."

After that, Jingzhong rode his horse and disappeared from Wan Ge's sight.

At the same time, there was a voice from the system: [Jingzhong's favorability -5, currently 5. ]


Ruanruan felt that if this continued, the master's favorability would not be lowered, and it was all because of the auxiliary system that was always doing more harm than good.

"Master, are you okay?" Ruanruan was a little worried, wondering if the master would be unhappy or angry.

Wang Ge was not angry, but felt a little strange: "Do you think Jingzhong doesn't like weak and gentle women, or doesn't like me?"

The original owner treated him like that, and he could still maintain a favorability of ten points. Although it was lower than others, it was not to the point of hatred or dislike.

But Wan Ge actually made him lower, and she didn't do anything to him, so did he dislike her, or did he dislike weak women?

But the princess who grew up was weak and gentle, and Wan Ge couldn't change all the original owner's temperament at once, which would be very strange.

"Maybe the male protagonist doesn't like weak women, but he definitely doesn't dislike adults." Adults are so good, if the male protagonist doesn't like her, it's the male protagonist's loss.

Wan Ge was silent for a while, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Ruan Ruan, I feel that you are not here often recently, what's wrong?"

Ruan Ruan lowered her head, her fingers tangled together, and her tone was full of guilt: "I want to help adults, and I am trying to find a system near this world to see if I can help adults complete this task, so that adults don't need to face the male protagonist."

Ruan Ruan knew that adults cared about the villains. Even if there was a system to help adults cheat, it could clearly feel adults' unhappiness.

So she also wanted to help adults. If she could really find someone to take over adults' tasks, that would be great.

Wan Ge sighed helplessly: "Ruanruan, once you accept a mission, you can't change people unless the mission fails, don't you know?"

"Ah? This... before, we were always assigned villain missions, so I didn't pay attention... I'm sorry, sir." The first person it met who was willing to do a mission with it was an adult. The adult could complete every mission, so he never worried about giving up the mission or failing the mission.

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