Once the love is deep, the hatred is deep. Then the spell cast on him is basically useless.

To reach 90, there are only five points away from the highest, but it is also a bit difficult.

Like Xie Nanyan and Wen Yueqing gave each other 95, and the other five points were for various considerations. But they already love each other more than themselves, after all, they only treat themselves 92.

Most people can't love themselves 100%, let alone love others more than themselves.

But... Wan Ge thought of the little villain who gave her 100% love in every world.

There is no way, her husband is a love-brained. But she is happy with it.

"Ruanruan, is there any news about the villain in this world?" I have inquired about the news of the villain on the first day I came.

But Jingzhong has two identities, one is the general of the human world, and his side also determines who the villain is. If he stands with Xie Nanyan, then the emperor is the villain of the human plot. If he stands with the emperor, then Xie Nanyan is the villain.

But it is obvious that these two people are not Wan Ge's villains. As for the heaven, it is even more difficult to say. There is no plot about the heaven at present.

Except for knowing that Jing Zhong is the most honorable emperor in the nine heavens, nothing else is known.

"Not yet, sir. This world has not reminded me to do the villain mission." Maybe the sir's villain is not in this world. If the encounters in every world before were not coincidences, then this world is an accident. Just like they were obviously doing the villain mission, but they received the mission to help the protagonist.

"Well, that's good." It's better that he is not in this world, so she can just complete the mission and leave.

"A Zhong, do you still remember what happened last night?" Xie Nanyan came to Jing Zhong again.

Jing Zhong found that after getting drunk, he didn't remember anything at all. He only vaguely remembered that he seemed to have seen Wan Ge, but he felt it was impossible.

Seeing him shaking his head, Xie Nanyan spoke again: "Qingqing came out last night. I wanted to send her back and then send you back. But when I came back to look for you, guess what I saw?"

"Is it the princess?" Was it not an illusion last night? It's a pity that he didn't know what happened between them.

"It seems that you haven't completely blacked out, Ah Zhong... I think this little princess likes you." Otherwise, as a princess, she helped a man back to the tent late at night. As long as others knew about it, her reputation would be ruined.

"Do you like... me?" Jing Zhong didn't know why, but at that moment, his heart was very volatile, but in just a moment, the uncontrollable feeling of disgust in his mind appeared again.

"I think she likes it, otherwise, how could she, a girl, go to look for you in the middle of the night?"

Jing Zhong didn't say anything, but he was extremely entangled in his heart.

Xie Nanyan continued: "I know that when the county director was young, he was sexually reckless and had conflicts with you, but now he is completely different from when he was young. Maybe you can try to accept her."

"Do you know what you are saying?" Jingzhong looked at Xie Nanyan deeply.

"I know, and I also know that I can't hide what I am going to do from you. But I don't want you to ruin your happiness because of this reason." If he had never met Wen Yueqing, maybe he would never say such words in his life.

But after meeting Wen Yueqing, he knew very well the happiness of being with his lover.

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