"The god Bo Yue cultivates the ruthless way. No matter how much the fairy pays, it is useless. Why bother?"

"I said, I will never love you." The sword in Bo Yue's hand directly pierced the heart of the person in front of him.

"Today, I will kill my wife to prove my truth."

Wan Ge was awakened by the shock. His hand fell on his heart, and his heart was safe.

He looked up and scanned the surroundings. This was a room with modern furnishings.

Wan Ge sorted out his memory. He was indeed in the modern era. The original owner was a well-known designer with a busy job. He was sitting in the original owner's home at this moment.

The villain in this world is called Gu Bozhou. He had a car accident when he was young, which made his legs unable to walk. He has been spoiled by the Gu family.

Gu Bozhou has two brothers, three cousins, and four cousins. He is the youngest in the Gu family. Whether it is his parents or uncles, brothers and sisters, they all love him very much, especially after he had an accident and couldn't walk.

Rare treasures from all over the world were all brought to him. His parents were even more so to him. As long as he wanted something, he would get it.

He was just a group favorite. He was not close to his family and was even more indifferent to strangers. It seemed that no one could get into his heart.

Wan Ge did not think there was anything wrong. It was not the first time that she met him who had no feelings. She had met people who did not understand emotions before. Her mission was to make him fall in love with her.

This world did not say what the mission was, but Wan Ge had probably guessed it. It was to treat him and make him fall in love.

Gu Bozhou was already pretty good. Wan Ge thought of the man who killed his wife to prove his truth in her dream and felt a little scary.

Was it a psychological shadow left over from the last world? The other party was not only ruthless, but also wanted to kill his wife to prove his truth.

Wan Ge opened the curtains and saw a young man sitting in a wheelchair in the garden in the distance. The flowers were blooming in spring. The young man just stretched out his hand and petals fell on it. However, the young man had no joy or sadness on his face, as if he didn't care about anything in front of him.

Wan Ge changed her clothes, washed up, and walked into the kitchen. She had a simple meal and took out the flour.

In two hours, Wan Ge made small cookies of various shapes, which looked delicate and cute. She took out a box from the cupboard, packaged the cookies, and went out.

Wan Ge went directly to the next door. A middle-aged man, who should be the housekeeper, opened the door for her.

"Hello, girl, who are you looking for?" The housekeeper was gentle, but his eyes were shrewd.

Wan Ge said with a faint smile: "Hello, I just came back from next door. I live alone. I made some cookies and wanted to ask if you want to try them."

"Next door? Are you the granddaughter of Mr. Wen?" The young master chose to live here, and of course they knew everything about the neighborhood. So he knew who lived next door and what they did.

Wan Ge nodded: "Yes, I am his granddaughter Wen Wan Ge."

"Thank you for your kindness, Miss Wen. I didn't expect you could make cookies." This famous designer could actually make these things.

"I learned some when I was bored. I'm sorry to embarrass you."

"No, Miss Wen is very good. Oh, sorry for being rude. I forgot to invite you in and sit down." The butler made a gesture of invitation. Wan Ge's purpose was to get close to the villain, so naturally he would not refuse this opportunity.

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