And then he will obviously feel that he seems to be different, and he will start to wonder what happened. If he didn't notice it, it would be fine. If he noticed it...

With his current situation that he doesn't even dare to tell his family, he will find that he is silently treating him. He will definitely feel that he cares about this problem and that he cares about his split personality.

But now it is difficult to reasonably find out about this and tell the other party that you don't have any opinion about him because of this, but will feel sorry for him, and will help him to treat the disease, and will tell him that this disease is actually nothing.

He is just sick, no different from other patients with colds and fevers. The only difference is that he is more sensitive and fragile. In addition to medicine, psychological comfort is very important.

In the middle of the night, Wan Ge suddenly felt a gaze falling on her, but she wanted to open her eyes but couldn't.

Originally, she was not very clear in half asleep and half awake, so she didn't think too much, just wondering if she had a nightmare, so she began to struggle to get up.

When she sat up, she turned on the light and saw the person in front of her.

Seeing this situation, Gu Sichen also subconsciously wanted to leave, but Wan Ge called him: "Chenchen, why did you come to my room? Come and sit here."

Wan Ge patted the seat next to her, and Gu Sichen lowered his head and sat beside her obediently.

Wan Ge did not seem to be scared by him, nor did she think he was a pervert or something, nor did she scold him, but hugged him very gently and asked in his ear: "Can't sleep? Do you miss me too much?"

Gu Sichen hummed softly. There was indeed such a reason for not being able to sleep, and more importantly, he wanted to see her.

Wan Ge reached out and touched his head: "Then sleep with me, okay?"

Gu Sichen looked at her with some surprise, and his cheeks quickly turned red again.

Wan Ge saw him like this and said to him again: "We are lovers, and we will be husband and wife in the future. There is nothing wrong with sleeping together."

Gu Sichen also felt that what she said made sense, and finally lay quietly beside her.

Wan Ge said to sing for him.

Gu Sichen had heard her sing. Although as an actor, he generally didn't care much about singing, he had heard her opening and ending songs or interludes, and her voice was still nice.

Gu Sichen listened to her soft voice and sang a song he had never heard before. He closed his eyes and fell asleep unconsciously.

Ruanruan watched Wan Ge coax him to sleep with a lullaby again. It felt that the villains who seemed to be so far could not sleep many nights. Is this the villain with mental illness?

The next day, Mrs. Gu was stunned when she saw Gu Sichen coming out of Wan Ge's room, but then she felt that it was nothing. The two of them had such a good relationship, it didn't seem outrageous.

Ye Wan Ge had to leave in the morning because she had to go to work.

Mrs. Gu was very happy that the two of them could come back to celebrate her birthday. She also asked people to pay attention to safety and asked the driver to drive carefully, and then watched them leave.

Mr. Gu originally wanted to keep his son, but his son's every move had already shown that he would leave with Wan Ge, so he didn't speak again.

Mr. Gu also had to go to work. He said hello to his wife and went towards the company.

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