Yan Jue has been very busy recently, but Yan Jue said that he will take a few days off after this period of busy work, and then I can accompany her to go to more distant places.

Wan Ge has already been to some of the surrounding scenery and some places with Yan Jue.

Wan Ge should stop thinking about whether she is too lazy, maybe she should work.

Although she has no work experience, with her ability, she will have no problem in doing any job. Before, her father also asked if she wanted to go to the company after graduation, but she refused.

Wan Ge put the food in her hand into her mouth, but the next second she felt nauseous again. I don’t know what happened in the past few days. I always feel like I don’t want to eat. Is there something wrong with my body?

After hesitating, Wan Ge finally chose to go to the hospital.

Standing in front of the gynecology department, Wan Ge was still a little confused. She was fine, but the doctor asked her to go to the gynecology department. She might be pregnant?

She also suddenly realized that she hadn’t had her period for two months. Is it really possible? It shouldn’t be! Yan Jue always takes precautions.

So, when the test results come out, Wan Ge is shaking.

Is she really pregnant? She has been with Yan Jue for nearly three months, and the child is about two months old.

Although she didn't take precautions the first time, she shouldn't have been pregnant at that time, but she got pregnant later? ? ?

Wan Ge was confused for a while. What would Yan Jue think of this child? Would he want it? He probably wouldn't, he didn't have any idea of ​​getting married at all, and he would think that this child was a bondage.

After hesitating, Wan Ge still called Yan Jue directly.

The man who was in a meeting heard the special prompt tone and picked up the phone directly. While answering the call, he also asked his subordinates to continue.

"Wan Ge, what's wrong?" Wan Ge rarely took the initiative to call him. If she had any greetings or questions, she would send messages directly on social software, so it was rare for her to call him.

But he didn't expect that Wan Ge's first sentence was a bomb: "Ajue, I'm pregnant."

Yan Jue didn't even reply, and Wan Ge heard the sound of something falling to the ground.

Yan Jue quickly picked up the phone with a broken tempered glass and asked again: "Where are you now? Are you still in the hospital? I'll be there soon."

While speaking, he stood up and walked out.

The other people in the conference room looked at each other. It was the first time they saw Yan Jue have such a reaction and expression. It felt so magical.

Many people also whispered, why is Yan Jue so anxious? Someone in the family is in the hospital? But does the Yan family have to go to the hospital? Don't doctors come directly to the door?


Wan Ge felt a lot of pressure in his heart. Yan Jue's reaction was a bit big, which made Wan Ge wonder if he didn't want the child?

Otherwise, why did he let her wait in the hospital? Has he made up his mind not to have this child?

Wan Ge's fingertips fell on her belly. If Yan Jue really didn't want it, then... would she want it?

If she forced Yan Jue to stay, would Yan Jue think that she was trying to threaten him with the child?

She didn't want to lose the child, nor did she want to lose her lover. This feeling was a bit bad, the child came too suddenly.

Yan Jue quickly rushed to the hospital and found a girl sitting alone in the corridor.

Yan Jue was about to speak, but Wan Ge spoke first: "I will abort this child, if you..."

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