"I only want my master, not anyone else. Master, please don't chase me away!" Xing Chen hugged Wan Ge immediately, his tone full of grievance.

Wan Ge's body stiffened for a moment, raised his hand and fell on his hair, and finally just said a soft sorry.

Wan Ge disappeared in front of him, and when Sang Yan looked up, his eyes fell on the man holding an umbrella not far away.

Xing Chen originally just wanted to follow and see, but he didn't expect to see such a scene. Xing Chen also listened to their conversation, so at this moment, he had a smile on his face.

Wan Ge seemed to have really made up his mind. The next day after he said that, someone came to help Sang Yan pack some things, waiting for him to recover from his injuries and then go directly to Ying Jue Shenjun.

Sang Yan sat aside, watching those people moving things without saying a word. Until, a senior brother stood in front of him and told him: "Junior Brother Sang Yan, Senior Uncle Xing Chen wants to see you."

Sang Yan hummed, and then got up and followed the other party.

After the disciple brought the person to the mountain, he left. So there were only Xingchen and Sang Yan on the mountain.

No one knew what happened between the two people. Just one hour later, Wan Ge rushed over and saw the scene where Xingchen wanted to kill Sang Yan with a sword.

Wan Ge immediately stepped forward, and the barrier blocked the sword. The powerful sword energy and divine power still hurt Wan Ge, and blood flowed directly from Wan Ge's lips.

"Wan Ge!"


Two voices spoke at the same time, but because Wan Ge was in front of Sang Yan, Sang Yan touched her first.

Sang Yan held her hand, with anxiety and self-blame on his face: "Master, how are you? I'm sorry! It's all my fault."

"I'm fine... Let's go back first." Wan Ge let the other party support her, turned around and prepared to leave.

Xing Chen teleported in front of them and stopped Wan Ge with his hand: "Wan Ge, what do you mean? You ignore me, you want to go with him?"

Wan Ge just asked: "Xing Chen, what do you want to do? I have already said that I will send him away and will not meet him again. Why do you still want to ask him to come here and kill him?"

"It's not like that, Wan Ge! He was the first to do it." Xing Chen grabbed Wan Ge's wrist, and the worry in his eyes emerged.

"Then why did you ask him to come here?" Do they want to have any more entanglements between them?

"I..." Xing Chen didn't know how to answer for a while, because he knew very well that he couldn't say it, and Wan Ge would think it was his fault.

When the other party was silent, Wan Ge already knew the answer. No, to be precise, he guessed it when he heard him ask Sang Yan out.

"Xingchen, are you still you?"

Xingchen's eyes widened: "Wan Ge? You can? What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, let's find a time to talk about it, talk it over." After Wan Ge finished speaking, he took Sang Yan and left directly.

After they all left, Xingchen looked at the mountain that was almost flattened by them. He thought of what happened in an hour.

He made an appointment with Sang Yan directly and did so for a purpose, because he should be the one who was in high spirits at this moment.

But he didn't expect that Sang Yan was more terrible than he thought.

Xingchen had just said his provocative words when Sang Yan attacked him directly. The power that erupted was not at all like the cultivation he should have at this moment.

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