The audience has been waiting for the result of this matter. After all, he is the national male god. Even if the hot search is removed, it is impossible for everyone to have no discussion.

Gu Sichen did not send a message, but Wan Ge sent this message, but it was sent using Gu Sichen's account.

[Hello everyone, I am Wan Ge. I believe everyone has been waiting for a result, waiting for clarification or recognition.

This result, let me tell you, yes, Gu Sichen is sick, a serious mental illness, split personality.

There are not many ups and downs in his life. As for why he got this disease, there are many factors, but it is a fact that he is sick.

I feel particularly distressed when I see a lot of comments attacking him on the Internet. He is just sick, he is just a patient, he has not done anything wrong, and being sick should not be a reason for others to attack him.

He could have denied this matter, but! In the end, he decided to tell everyone the truth. He was not honest, but if he could, he wanted to tell other people who have the same situation as him, don't be afraid, we are all just sick, as long as we actively treat it, we will get better one day. People who love you will not be afraid of you because of this matter. 】

After Wan Ge posted this paragraph, he also expressed his own views in the comment area, so he commented in the comment area: Not all split personalities have abnormal other personalities. Most people split another personality, one is to protect themselves, and the other is to heal themselves.

People who can have such serious mental illness must have had something that forced another self to appear.

After seeing what Wan Ge said, some people actually reflected on it, and it seems that this is right. Some people experienced a lot of cruel treatment when they were young, so they developed another personality to protect themselves or heal themselves.

If the other person is a bad person, whether he has split personality or not, he will do bad things.

If he is not, even if he has split personality, he is just an ordinary person who is sick, and this disease is not very scary.

It is because they are prejudiced and think that his other personality is the opposite of his appearance, so he must be a very scary person.

After Wan Ge posted this paragraph, he did not read it again. There are many people with mental illness and psychological illness. Not all of them will go on the road of crime. As long as they are guided and treated correctly, they will be fine.

Gu Sichen is a very influential person. Wan Ge saw that he had serious mental illness in several worlds, so she also wanted to take this opportunity to let other people with mental illness not be afraid of themselves, they are just sick and will get better.

If this world is not friendly to you, please believe that it is not your problem, but the problem of this world. You are really good, but they don’t understand you or know you.

Of course, not everyone can understand it, but most normal people seem to understand that Gu Sichen did nothing wrong. Although there are still some people who are still paranoid and slandering him, normal people will no longer be affected.

Wan Ge and Gu Sichen didn’t care. After admitting this matter, Gu Sichen announced that he would temporarily stop filming and chose to actively receive treatment.

In fact, he just wanted to be with Wan Ge.

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