Sang Yan still had a smile on his lips. In fact, for many years, whenever he appeared, Wan Ge would take the initiative to throw herself into his arms and ask him to hug her.

But after being hugged so many times over the years, Sang Yan did not feel impatient at all. Instead, he was very happy every time.

"Isn't it because I got used to it when I was a child? If brother doesn't like it, then I won't hug you in the future." He indulged her like this when she was a child. Who can she blame? It's because he spoiled her.

As soon as Wan Ge finished speaking, Sang Yan hugged her tightly: "Brother is wrong, brother doesn't dislike it. Brother likes little Wan Ge hugging him the most."

Sang Yan rested his chin on her head and closed his eyes gently. It felt like being with Wan Ge like this for ten years, which was more than the previous hundred years. It was longer than the time he spent with his junior sister as Xing Chen.

Obviously from memory, they have known each other for so long, but the ten years of getting along together are more real.

"Brother..." Wan Ge called his name softly, hesitated for a while, and finally did not ask.

"What's wrong?" Sang Yan asked back?

"No... Nothing..." Wan Ge always felt that it was better for her not to take the initiative.

"Ahem, did I disturb you?" The prime minister coughed lightly behind them.

Sang Yan let him go and looked at the prime minister in front of him: "Prime Minister, do you have something to ask me?"

"Yes." The prime minister glanced at Sang Yan, and then at Wan Ge behind him.

Sang Yan understood instantly: "Okay, then let's go to the main hall to talk."

Wan Ge was very sensible and didn't follow. Sang Yan looked back but didn't say anything.

Not long after they left, a man appeared in front of Wan Ge. The man had the same face as Sang Yan before.

"Why is it you again?" Wan Ge distanced herself from the other party, her eyes full of defense.

"After so many years, is Wan Ge still so defensive against me?" The man spoke.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" This man was very strange. After scaring her once when she was a child, he had been silently helping and protecting her for the past ten years.

There is one thing that her brother doesn't know. She went to the temple to pray and fell off the cliff and almost died. It was this man who saved her and let her go home unscathed.

Otherwise, she might have died at the bottom of the cliff at that time.

It is precisely because of this reason that after so many years, Wan Ge did not let Sang Yan know that she often saw him.

"Wan Ge finally asked my name." The man smiled bitterly. He suddenly realized that no matter what he did, Wan Ge didn't seem to like him. Even if he saved her life, she was still defensive when she saw him.

The man answered slowly in a low voice: "My name is Tu Shen."

This name made Wan Ge's head suddenly hurt, and something seemed to be about to appear.

"Wan Ge!" A familiar voice sounded from behind her, but Wan Ge lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

"You have been by her side for so many years!" Sang Yan picked up Wan Ge, held the sword in his other hand, and confronted Tu Shen.

He has been here for so many years, but I didn't even notice it.

This scary feeling is really annoying.

"Heh, you don't think you are still my opponent now, do you?" Tu Shen just moved his hand slightly, and Sang Yan spat out a mouthful of blood.

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