"What do you want me to do for you?" The vice president was still a little vigilant.

Wan Ge told the other person about his plan. The vice president listened silently, and after seeing the girl in front of him hesitate, she replied: "Okay, I'll help you."

"I have another thing that needs your help." Wan Ge said in his ear.

The vice president frowned, looked at Wan Ge beside him, and reminded: "Do you want to break up with the Jiang family? If you do this, you will undoubtedly cut off any contact with the Jiang family."

Although the Jiang family lacks a lot compared to the Xu family, after all, they still have to give some face in other people's territory. This directly endangers the Jiang family. If they are found out, they may really break up with the Jiang family.

"Falling out? Just breaking up is not enough." The Jiang family has infiltrated so deeply in City A, and it is definitely not enough to just make a simple fuss.

The task given by the system is to make Jiang Liuyi lose his reputation, but the small things she is asked to do now cannot be counted.

After get off work in the afternoon, Wan Ge went home directly. She didn't find anyone in the living room, and finally found him in the kitchen.

Nan Zhi was busy in the kitchen with an apron on, making this new home instantly have a sense of fireworks.

In the afterglow of the sunset, the setting sun shone on him, making Nan Zhi look even less like a human being at this moment.

How can someone look so good when cooking?

Nan Zhi likes cleanliness, so even if he handles the ingredients of several dishes, the kitchen is still clean and tidy.

How can my little husband be so great? What should I do if I like him a little more?

"Do you want to give me a reward?" Nan Zhi suddenly asked.

When Wan Ge was wondering, Nan Zhi, holding a spatula, approached her directly and kissed her on the lips.

Wan Ge was still confused. She didn't say anything just now.

Nan Zhi looked at the person in front of him and said, "Wan Ge, I don't want to hide it from you. In fact, I can always hear what you say in your heart."

Wan Ge's mind was blank. He didn't expect the other party to be so frank and confront him. The other party was so direct, Wan Ge didn't want to pretend anymore, hugged his neck and kissed him and then answered: "Actually I know."

"When did you know?" Nan Zhi didn't expect Wan Ge to admit it. In fact, she didn't think anything in her heart just now. As long as she could control herself from thinking, he wouldn't know the answer.

"I knew it the first day I saw you, so I didn't dare to say a lot of things, so I let you hear them yourself."

"Is that so?" Nan Zhi actually knew that he used his ability to hear other people's inner thoughts to deliberately say those words and do those things.

Wan Ge nodded, and Nan Zhi spoke again at this time: "Then don't you think I'm terrible? I can always hear your privacy and expose all your thoughts."

"Why should I be afraid? My idea is just to covet you. I wish you knew it earlier."

Nan Zhi looked at her. If he hadn't heard the communication between her and the system, he might really think that Wan Ge only had him in her heart and eyes and loved him sincerely. It's a pity that all this has a system called Ruanruan, which gave him the bloody truth.

"Will you just keep loving me like this?" He was willing to fall for it no matter if it was fake or not.

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