Wan Ge laughed again: "Were you forced to separate? Or did you feel that Jiang Liuyi was not worth it at that time. You just wanted to go with someone who was more worthy."

"Xu Wan Ge, shut up. You knew that Ah Yi only liked me, so why did you tease him!"

"Why can't I go? You have already left him alone. Why can't other people like him after breaking up? And do you really think he likes you? You are not far away from each other, why doesn't he go to you during the holidays? Why doesn't he contact you?"

The Internet is so developed now. If it is true love, there is nothing wrong with cross-border love.

However, Chi Ya didn't fancy Jiang Liuyi at that time, and Jiang Liuyi didn't love her deeply enough.

"It's not like that."

Wan Ge sighed: "Chi Ya, you are also a pathetic person. You actually fell in love with Jiang Liuyi? Is a heartless person worthy of your love?"

But Wan Ge felt in his heart that they were actually the same people. The same is that what you can't get is what you want the most.

"Why do you say that?"

Wan Ge shook his head with sympathy: "He doesn't love you or me, but just because he can't get it. His so-called love for you is because you are far away in another country, and he wants it but can't get it.

It's the same for me. Before, I pestered him and he was completely unmoved, and even felt disgusted when I touched him.

Now I'm not around him anymore, and I don't do anything for him anymore. He can't adapt to the lack of a little follower around him. He wants me to continue to follow him, but I don't want to. So he wants it again but can't get it."

The knife in Chi Ya's hand fell to the ground, and he took a step back. Although he didn't want to accept this reality, he had to say that what Wan Ge said seemed to be right.

Jiang Liuyi seemed to be such a person.

"Chi Ya, if you arrest me, I won't report to law enforcement officers, but I need you to do me a favor."

"Why should I help you?" Chi Ya regained some reason. "And why do you think I'm afraid? Since I dare to tie you up, I certainly don't care."

In fact, Chi Ya thought that others would never know, so she didn't need to have any pressure or worry at all.

"Besides, I can not let you go back alive."

Wan Ge slowly stood up, and the rope that bound her had long been untied. Before Chi Ya could react, Wan Ge had picked up the knife on the ground and put it on Chi Ya's neck.

"You! When did you untie it?" She had just woken up, how could she untie the rope so quickly?

"You don't need to ask this question, I just ask you to help or not."

"I..." When Chi Ya was about to say no, she felt a sting on her neck, and the blood instantly stuck to the knife.

As long as Wan Ge cut a little deeper, she might really die: "What do you want me to help you do?"

Chi Ya didn't expect that it was obviously her who wanted to tie people up, and it was obviously her who wanted to threaten him to do something, why is it the other way around now?

"Help me get the account book of Jiang Liuyi's head office."

"Okay." With the knife on her neck, Chi Ya didn't hesitate at all.

Wan Ge raised his lips again: "Remember, be obedient and don't play tricks, otherwise, believe me, you will die ugly."

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