Perhaps because he didn't want to be in the same situation with that AD, Wan Ge accelerated the speed of pushing the crystal, and finally he held the tower and pushed the opponent's crystal one second before his death. At the same time, the opponent who had just been wiped out was slowly resurrected, but the crystal was pushed before he could catch up.

Wan Ge was undoubtedly the MVP. Looking at the pink little mermaid holding a long-handled feather fan, Wan Ge applied for a friend from the other party.

I don't know what he was thinking, but he applied for a good friend for no reason.

When he returned to the main interface, the other party had already agreed to the friend request.

Wan Ge took a look at the other party's rank and was confused. The other party had reached the rank of the extraordinary master. Although this rank is not the highest in the game, those who can reach this rank normally will not play very badly.

Wan Ge sent a message to the other party: [Hello, sister, are you assigned to the auxiliary position? ]

Is it because you have never played an auxiliary before, so you are like that?

Wan Ge opened the other party's page again. He had played some top and jungle games before.

The other party quickly replied: [No, I just started playing. This account was played by my nephew before. ]

Wan Ge quickly thought of the issue of underage restrictions in the game. There are also many people who use their family members' accounts to play, or this young lady is the same.

No wonder she is so unfamiliar with the game even though she has reached the master level.

[Is that so? How about I play a few games with you? You can play ranked games directly. ] The original owner didn't want to play ranked games so he clicked on the match, but he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

In the original plot, the original owner didn't meddle in other people's business. He just thought that the ADC was too noisy and turned off the voice.

[Not good? I just started playing and I'm not good at it. ]

[It's okay. Just choose the hero you just played and follow me to throw skills. ]

After Wan Ge finished speaking, he clicked on the ranked page and invited him.

The other party also agreed quickly. Wan Ge changed her option for any position and chose AD.

Wan Ge was in the first position. After all the heroes were banned, she found that the AD who was usually in the ban position with two axes was not banned, so she immediately chose it.

Wan Ge changed the chat from the whole team to the team, and sent her another message: [If you don’t want to play the mermaid, you can play the cat. When the time comes, just hang on me and throw skills. ]

The other party quickly replied with a "yes".

Perhaps because he thought Wan Ge wanted him to choose the cat, the originally pre-selected mermaid became a cat.

The last game was a match, and the top laner in the last game probably didn’t care, so he just chose what he liked.

In this round of ranking, the top laner was worried about not having a tank, so he chose a tank. He can carry it, and it doesn’t matter whether there is a hard support or not.

The hero chosen by Wan Ge will hit the middle with an axe 100% of the time when he clears the soldiers at the beginning of the game.

This hero is very strong to begin with. With strong skills, he can kill indiscriminately in the early and late stages.

The cat silently hangs on her body, throwing skills and controlling her, and healing her from time to time. Even if the healing is not enough, the AD clears the minions and returns more.

A few minutes after the start, the opponent's duo lane collapsed, and the opponent's jungler came to gank, but the result was three heads.

In the late stage, basically no one could catch her two axes as long as they were squishy.

And the cat on her body probably also got a lot of assists, and occasionally got a few heads, and the economy directly reached the second place.

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