But she had really seen such beautiful things with her own eyes, lived with mermaids for so long, and had seen the real deep sea. How could she not draw them well?

No one could uglify the beauty they knew.

The head office review would not be so fast, and the next two days would be the weekend. As long as there were no activities, they would have two days off on weekends, so Wan Ge ran faster than a rabbit when she got off work.

As soon as she arrived at the parking lot, she received a message from Xiaoruanfu.

Seeing the note was Xiaoruanfu, Wan Ge suddenly smiled. She was really amazing. She didn't even use her name. She just changed the name of Xiaoruanfu when adding a friend.

However, they were just game friends. When Wan Ge called him, she only called him by his game name at most, so it didn't matter whether she knew his real name or not.

Xiaoruanfu's game name was a character "Ye", so every time Wan Ge asked him, she would say: [Is Ye Zi going to log in? ]

And the other party would quickly answer with a "yes".

Wan Ge looked at the message the other party sent to her and asked her if she was still busy with work.

Wan Ge immediately replied: [No, I'm off work and I'm going home now.]

Little Soft Auxiliary: [Okay, be safe.]

Wan Ge sent an ok emoji package, looking at the little soft auxiliary who was only typing in the chat record. In her impression, she was weak and different from the little soft auxiliary behind the ADC!

Shouldn't she be very well-behaved and cute? But it is not ruled out that she is a relatively quiet person, quiet and sensible, and will not do extra things. Chatting is just chatting, and she will not deliberately send some emoji packages. Just say what you want to say and explain it well.

Wan Ge suddenly realized what she was thinking about and slapped her face! What the hell? Why should I care about what kind of person she is? Why do I miss someone who I haven't even seen in reality the most? It's really crazy.

"Uncle, uncle! What are you thinking about?" A seven-year-old boy ran to a handsome man with joy on his face.

Ye Zhiling glanced at his cute nephew and replied in a cold voice: "Nothing, why are you here?"

"I missed my uncle, so I came to see you. I saw the game account I gave you, and you play it every day. Isn't it fun?" The little boy was full of expectations.

Ye Zhiling still replied indifferently: "Not bad."

"I also saw that my uncle plays with the same person every day. Is he my uncle's friend? He seems to be very good! Can you take me with you next time?" The little boy pulled Ye Zhiling's hand.

"Take you? Did you pass the exam last time?" Ye Zhiling spoke coldly, hitting the child's pain directly.

"I didn't pass, woo woo woo! I'm only seven years old. Why did I start learning the knowledge that they didn't learn in junior high school? You are exploiting me! It's wrong. I need a childhood." The little boy's tone was full of grievances.

At this time, a deep and steady voice came: "Do you want to make your childhood complete?"

The man holding the document stood behind the little boy, looking at him calmly with deep eyes. The little boy seemed to know what a complete childhood meant at once, and hugged the man's legs: "Dad, I was wrong, I won't play again. Woo woo woo! Don't hit me."

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