After saying this, Wan Ge continued, "Besides, our Ye Zi is so outstanding. Even if you leave the Ye family, you will still be so outstanding. I believe in you.

Of course, even if you really have nothing and do nothing, you still have me. I can dig wild vegetables to support you~"

If Ye Zhiling didn't want to relieve stress, he wouldn't play games, let alone have any leisure and entertainment, but he had heard about digging wild vegetables from people in the company.

"I won't let you dig wild vegetables, don't worry." Ye Zhiling heard her say so firmly, and his heart beat faster for some reason.

And she said that you can do whatever you want.

Ye Zhiling said that he would return the company to Ye Shaolin, and he really started to take action. Ye Shaolin realized it and repeatedly asked his brother whether he really wanted to give up. After getting a definite answer, he didn't stop him.

He just said to him: "As long as you want to come back, Ye's will always be yours."

While saying this, Ye Shaolin also took out a transfer letter and transferred all his shares in the night market to Ye Zhiling. But Ye Zhiling didn't sign it.

When Ye Zhiling told Wan Ge about it, Wan Ge didn't feel sorry, but took him to celebrate, celebrating his liberation.

The last day Ye Zhiling was in charge of Ye's was the day he wore the clothes designed by Wan Ge.

Ye Zhiling didn't need to learn what a model should do. He had the aura of being in power for so many years. Standing among a group of mermaids, he was the unattainable king of the mermaids, which was extremely appropriate for the clothes, so he just needed to show it.

After the show, Wan Ge returned to the backstage and looked at the man in front of her who was made up to match the clothes, which was even more deadly.

For a moment, it felt that Ye Zhiling had the aura of Wen Si after becoming the god of the sea, the kind of feeling that could make all the sea tribes bow down.

"Is it so beautiful?" Ye Zhiling lowered his head with a smile and kissed her on the lips.

Wan Ge was confused by the kiss, and subconsciously called Wen Si when she looked at the person in front of her.

"Who is Wens?" Ye Zhiling didn't know why he felt familiar with the name, but he felt very uncomfortable when he thought it was probably a man.

There was even a moment when Wan Ge seemed to be looking at someone else through him.

Wan Ge coughed lightly and answered, "It's a sea god."

"Sea god? How come I don't know anything about it?"

"Do you want to know so much? I can draw him for you."

After saying that, Wan Ge picked up a pen and paper from the side. He drew very quickly and it was not very detailed, but the outline of his face came out quickly.

A Western face, exquisite and beautiful, in the simple sea water, with a human body and a fish tail, looks exactly like the legendary mermaid.

"He is Wens." Wan Ge showed it to people directly.

Ye Zhiling reached out to take the paper and looked at the mermaid in the painting. That familiar feeling came again. It seemed that he had seen this before.

Wan Ge said softly: "I was always full of imagination when I was in school, and before I studied fashion design, I was particularly good at drawing faces. I once imagined that there was a sea god who looked like this, and I named him Wens."

Even though Ye Zhiling felt something was wrong, he did not refute: "So that's it, he looks very good."

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