"What is this?" Wan Ge took the thing he handed to her, but didn't open it yet.

Ye Zhiling replied softly: "This is all my property."

After saying that, he watched Wan Ge open it silently.

Wan Ge had known that he had left the Ye family for a long time, and he didn't want any of the Ye family's property. He didn't even want the house, so he has been living in the house she bought.

Wan Ge subconsciously felt that Ye Zhiling would be very poor now, but she didn't care that she couldn't afford to support him. Especially after the mermaid-designed clothing came out, there were many opportunities for promotion and salary increase.

But she didn't expect that Ye Zhiling would be so rich. Even if he didn't have the Ye family's property, his personal property could be far better than hers.

"These are all what I saved after I became an adult and started making money and investing. They will all be yours in the future."

Wan Ge took the transfer agreement, the passbook and the bank card, glanced at Ye Zhiling and put down everything in her hand: "Ye Zi, why do you want to break away from your family so much?"

It can be seen that his relationship with his parents is not very good, so it shouldn't be to the point of a rift? So why is Ye Zhiling so anxious to cut off ties with his family?

Ye Zhiling was silent for a while, looking at the lover in front of him, and spoke after a long time: "I was born because of my brother, so my parents don't like me. Before my brother found a suitable kidney source at the age of ten, I was just a container for my parents.

My brother always thought that my parents didn't get close to me because they felt that he was the one who brought me up. In my brother's eyes, they are just irresponsible parents.

But I know that the reason they don't get close to me is that they are worried that they will really have feelings for me and will not be able to let me go."

Ye Zhiling sighed, without much sadness on his face: "My brother has been in good health since the kidney transplant, and I finally don't need to be a container anymore. But they are very concerned about I haven't changed much, but I don't need it.

When I was told that I was just a container, I was only five years old. I hated my brother for a while, but when I grew up, I realized that he was just a person who was kept in the dark, and I was indeed raised by him, so I didn't blame him.

It's just that I don't want to have too much relationship with the Ye family. Except for my brother, everyone else is too strange to me. "

Wan Ge reached out and hugged her husband tightly: "It doesn't matter, your parents don't love you, but I love you, and my parents love you."

"I'm really happy and happy to meet you." Ye Zhiling also hugged Wan Ge tightly.

It's not that he didn't have resentment and confusion. He thought that these would never pass. Even if he didn't suffer any physical damage in the end, the damage in his heart had indeed reached the extreme.

It wasn't until Wan Ge appeared that he had a real home and a different life, and he began to really let go.

Wan Ge had a nightmare at night. In the dream, the teenage Xiao Zhiling was lying on the cold operating table, and the person lying on another operating table next to him was an adult, Ye Shaolin, who looked a bit like him.

Later, Ye Shaolin recovered well, but Ye Zhiling's health gradually deteriorated after that operation, and he often had a high fever. In the end, he died in less than two years.

The Ye family seemed to be sad for a long time, and finally slowly walked out of the shadow.

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