The fallen god smiled and didn't answer again. He looked at her with cold eyes: "Don't worry, as long as he comes, I won't hurt you."

Perhaps knowing that the other party would not answer his questions, Wan Ge simply didn't ask anything and just kept silent.

There was no panic on his face, not even a little confusion of being blocked. He was so calm that it was scary, so the helmsman couldn't help but speak: "Why can you be so calm? Aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Wan Ge looked up at him and asked back.

"Are you afraid of me? Aren't you afraid that I will hurt you?"

"Didn't you say it? As long as Nerris appears, you won't hurt me. Now is not the time for you to pass the information, what am I afraid of?"

Yes, the other party helped him threaten Nerris, but he hasn't notified Nerris yet, and he doesn't know what he wants.

What Wan Ge said reminded the fallen god that he hasn't notified Nerris yet, and he probably doesn't know that he is here.

"Don't run around." The fallen god left after saying that.

After confirming that the fallen angel had left, Wan Ge slowly got up from the ground, and the rope that had tied her also fell to the ground.

Wan Ge patted the dust off her body and glanced at the rope that fell to the ground. The other party used the things of the demon clan to tie up her little princess of the demon clan. I don’t know what he was thinking.

Looking at the strange cave in front of him, he decided to explore it first.

Soon he entered a room. Unlike other places, this room was decorated very warmly.

On the bed full of flowers, there lay a girl with pale lips. Oh, no, to be precise, it was a girl’s corpse.

As soon as he approached Wan Ge, he could feel that the girl’s soul was unstable and her three souls and seven spirits were about to dissipate. Even though the other party did the action of locking the soul, it failed to prevent the girl’s soul from dissipating. This was the result of the failure of changing fate against the will of heaven.

But Wan Ge didn’t expect that in the small world of Western mythology, he could also encounter changing fate against the will of heaven.

Wan Ge was about to reach out when a force hit him. Wan Ge quickly dodged it and looked up to see the fallen angel standing aside.

"What are you doing? You are not allowed to touch her, stay away from her." The Fallen God's tone was full of anger.

Wan Ge said calmly at the time: "She is going to disappear."

"I won't let her disappear!" The Fallen God's tone was extremely firm

"She is your lover, right? What a pity."

The Fallen God directly grabbed Wan Ge's neck: "I said she won't disappear, I won't let her leave me, never."

Wan Ge was not angry, but raised her lips and continued: "You can't stop it, even if you use the soul-locking method, you can't stop her from disappearing. This is the result of your failure to change her fate against the sky."

"It's no good for you to anger me." The Fallen God's eyes were burning with anger, as if he could really strangle Wan Ge to death in the next second.

Wan Ge just glanced at him lightly, holding his wrist with his hand, and the strong burning sensation made the Fallen God loosen his hand.

"You!" The fallen angel looked at her in disbelief: "You have such a powerful force! Didn't you faint?"

"You're not that stupid. Since you already know that I'm Nerris's fiancée, you must also know that I'm the little prince of the demon clan, so why don't you investigate my strength before daring to kidnap me?"

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