"Angel, I really love you too much."

"I know." I know you always like me after seeing me once. No matter when you admit it, you can't hide the fact that you liked me the first time you saw me.

Nelris carried people out of the underworld and stepped into the demon world, but it was still far away from the hottest place in Wan Ge.

Wan Ge lay quietly on his back, closed her eyes, and felt more and more sleepy, but she wanted to listen to Nelris talk, so she asked: "Nelris, can you tell me the identity of the fallen angel?"

I always feel that the identity of this fallen angel is not simple.

"Okay, I'll tell you." After answering, Nelris gently told the story of the fallen god: "He used to be a person trusted by His Majesty the God King, in charge of the justice of the Gods, and usually dealt with people who violated the Gods' code.

Three hundred years ago, a god made a mistake in the human world. He obeyed the order and went to the human world. It was also at that time that he met the girl he liked.

The god who is usually self-disciplined and serious felt that an angel had descended on him at that moment, but he knew that there was a difference between humans and Gods, and he could not take her back to Shenzhou. At first, he just escaped.

But as he met the little girl more and more times, he couldn't control his heart. After understanding the whole story of the little girl, The past of the girl, just felt heartbroken, he thought he should protect this girl forever.

They were deeply in love with each other day and night, he was unwilling to stay with the girl for only a hundred years, he wanted more time, so he wanted to steal the treasure of the gods.

He succeeded at first, but hesitated, and when he hesitated, I caught him. And because he was trapped in the God Realm, his injured wife had no one to take care of her. When we put him back, his wife had passed away.

Suddenly, the hatred in his heart could not be suppressed, so he became a fallen angel. He also hated me for this reason. "

Nelris listened to the even breathing behind him and smiled helplessly. It turned out that he just wanted to coax her to sleep? He actually told her about those things about the fallen angels.

"I'm not like them. I'm a demon with an infinite lifespan. I can stay with you forever, only with you."

"Stay together forever? Hmm? It sounds like a good idea."

Wan Ge nodded: "It means two people will always be together, life and death together."

"Then I really think you want to be with me for all your lives."

"You can take it seriously, because it's true."

Wan Ge really fell asleep later, and didn't know what Nelris said.

After returning to An Ge's residence, Nelris stood in front of a pile of magic potions and various books that had been flipped through many times.

Instantly, Nelris wondered online, could the soul repairing technique that Wan Ge learned be in these books?

Nelris didn't have any souls that he wanted to repair, but he still wanted to take a look, so he picked up the book and flipped through it.

Wan Ge slept quietly in bed, and the sound of Nelris turning the pages was also very small.

He just flipped through several books, and the words on them were incomprehensible to him. So Nairris finally decided that he should learn more about the language and characters of the demons, so that he would not make any mistakes in the future.

When Wan Ge woke up, he saw the person sitting next to him waiting.

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