I don't know if it's because he is no longer interested in power, but Kalu is only thinking about love, and the object of love is the beautiful senior sister he met on the first day of school.

They are all ordinary humans with status. They can't learn magic without magic ability. Knowledge is not that important in such a world.

But the male and female protagonists are very serious people. No matter what they do, they always want to do their best.

Even if they don't have the ability to learn magic, sometimes technology can create everything.

The two of them have a very good relationship and love each other very much. It's a pity that when they are most in love, the God Realm received a prophecy that he is the future Majesty, so they sent the most serious and responsible Great God at that time.

Nelris also came to the human world like now, ready to take His Majesty back to the God Realm.

But it was also discovered that Kalu was actually in love in the human world. Through his several hints, and using magic to help him recover his non-human memory, but Kalu, who is in love, doesn't care about that.

He doesn't care about gods, demons, or anything like that. He just wants to be with his lover, even if it means just handing over the throne of the God King.

But Nerris in the plot disagrees. A man who has never had any feelings is always ruthless in killing no matter what he does.

Facing the uncontrollable factor, Nerris just wants to get rid of it quickly.

But he didn't think about whether Kalu could accept it.

The reason why Nerris became a villain also started from here. Nerris got rid of the heroine in the original plot, causing the hero's temperament to change drastically.

After returning to the God Clan, he has been thinking about how to resurrect the heroine. He also hates the villain Nerris to the bone and has been looking for a way to deal with him.

And the ending of the story is that Kalu found a way to kill Nerris and finally resurrected the heroine.

Wan Ge is thinking that Nerris, who has experienced love, should not be like the original plot again? But for such uncertain things, Wan Ge has no confidence.

But now I can be by his side all the time, and I can see all his attitudes. If the heroine is really in danger, I will stop him.

"Nairus, what do you want to do now?" Wan Ge asked Nairus doubtfully, silently thinking that it must not be like the original plot.

"I haven't thought about it yet, maybe I will restore his memory first. In fact, it's not that he can't be with that person, but he should not be like the fallen angel anymore."

I just don't know if Kalu will be willing to lose his lover after a hundred years and watch her reincarnation in pain, as human life is so short.

When he thought of this, and thought of the god who became a fallen angel because of love, Nairus was relieved instantly: "Fortunately, fortunately my Ange is a demon."

It's a demon, a demon that can live with him forever, and it can be with him forever and ever.

Obviously, gods and demons should be in opposition, but now Nairus is extremely glad that gods and demons are at peace.

"If I'm not, what would you do?" Wan Ge really wanted to hear Nairus' answer.

Nelris paused for a moment and thought about his question very seriously, but he couldn't come to a conclusion for a while.

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