Unlike Shu Wan Ge, Yun Chu would hate when someone broke the beauty of the world because he had experienced it.

He hated everyone in the Yun family who had hurt his mother, including his father.

Everyone thought that Ah Han, as the heir of the Yun family, had been working for the Yun family and had done many undesirable things. But no one really understood that Ah Han wanted to destroy the Yun family the most.

It was the Yun family that destroyed his light and plunged him into darkness.



Wan Ge was so tired that she couldn't open her eyes, but when she heard what he said, she still felt sorry for him subconsciously, so she hugged him tighter, and said in a gentle voice with fatigue: "In the future, I will love you more than anyone else and will always be by your side."

Ah Han nodded softly.

However, he met the light again, and at this moment he was hugging his light.

Ah Han kissed Wan Ge on the forehead: "Wan Ge, you said that you would stay with me forever, you can't go back on your word, and I will never give you a chance to go back on your word."

As Ah Han said, he gave the things, whether the Shu family can afford it is another matter.

After a while, Mr. Shu was unwilling to accept this and wanted to increase the value of the project, but it was a problem that caused the 10 billion project to become nothing overnight, and he also lost a lot of money, and the project ended up in a mess.

Of course, Ah Han did more than that. Two weeks after getting the marriage certificate, Wan Ge met the current leader of the Yun family for the first time, that is, Ah Han... Oh no, it was Yun Chu's father.

"What do you want to do? Now that the Shu family is hostile to others, are you happy?" They are obviously in-laws, but now they have become hostile. Looking at the Shu family's posture, it seems that they want to fight to the death.

Ah Han said lightly: "Now is a good time, isn't it? As long as my father handles it properly, the Shu family will be in his pocket."

Mr. Yun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect his son to have such an idea. But isn't that his wife's family? He dared to do such a thing. Isn't he afraid that his wife would have an opinion?

Or... when the betrothal gift of tens of billions was given, his son had made such preparations, or even earlier... when he was dating the young lady of the Shu family, he had made such a plan. He wanted to swallow up the Shu family?

He actually has no feelings for the young lady of the Shu family? So the 10 billion project can be given to him! ! !

Mr. Yun suddenly felt that he had an epiphany. He thought Yun Chu was going to do something to disappoint him, but he didn't expect that he had planned such a big game! He underestimated him, underestimated his ability, and underestimated his ambition.

Mr. Yun, who thought he had discovered the truth, changed his expression in an instant, and said with a smile: "I know my son will never let me down."

Ahan put down the scissors for pruning branches, looked at the unique branch in front of him, and finally cut off the remaining branch.

"My wife is still sleeping. If my father is fine, let's leave first."

Ahan had just finished speaking when he heard a noise and saw Wan Ge appear in front of them.

Mr. Yun took a look and thought that Wan Ge didn't know anything yet, so he smiled kindly and didn't say anything. He just nodded, greeted her politely, and then left.

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