Mr. Chu was stunned for a moment when he saw that the other party took the initiative to find him, then asked the other party to sit down quickly and asked her why she was looking for him.

Wan Ge asked the other party softly: "Do you know why Xiao Shuer is depressed?"

Mr. Chu lowered his eyes and shook his head. He didn't know... He just knew that his child was very resistant to him. He didn't know what he did wrong, and he didn't know why he became like this.

It was just that he suddenly found that his child was becoming more and more autistic, and he was very resistant when he wanted to contact him.

Wan Ge told him the reason. When Mr. Chu knew that his child was like this because of guilt, he immediately stood up: "This matter has nothing to do with Xiao Shu, and he can't be blamed at all!"

How could it be? This matter can't be blamed on him at all, and if it weren't for him, Mr. Chu would have no motivation to live in this world. So no matter what he does, it's fine.

Mr. Chu didn't expect it to be like this. He understood what Wan Ge meant by what he said to him, and he knew what he should do.

After talking to Mr. Chu, Wan Ge wanted to go back to the room.

But when she just walked out of the door and stood at the stairs, she saw the boy standing there anxiously. His eyes were red and tears were falling. When he saw her, he ran to her and hugged her tightly.

No one knew what Chu Yunshu felt when he woke up and found that she was not there.

He couldn't sleep well for some reason today. He always felt that he had no sense of security. Finally, he was awakened by a nightmare. Every time he opened his eyes before, Wan Ge would be by his side.

But this time, the other party was completely gone. Chu Yunshu was particularly panicked. Tears could not be controlled and fell down. Then he hurriedly got up to find her, but there was no one! He couldn't find her at all.

It seemed that the salvation he had just grasped was gone, and Chu Yunshu's heart collapsed.

Wan Ge gently touched his head and whispered to comfort the boy in front of him: "What's wrong? Did you have a nightmare? Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Wan Ge's tone was even lighter, but Chu Yunshu didn't answer him, but still hugged her tightly, and the person he wanted to avoid was in front of him, and he seemed to have lost sight of him. In his eyes, there was only the person he was holding at this moment.

Wan Ge lowered her head and looked at his white feet stepping on the ground. Although the weather was not very cold now, it was not good to be barefoot.

Wan Ge coaxed the other party in a low voice and asked the other party to go back to the room with her.

Chu Yunshu returned to the room obediently and sat on the bed as she obeyed.

Wan Ge wiped the feet for him, and then put on his shoes for him.

I have to say that his feet are really beautiful, but because he is a boy and very tall, they are somewhat larger than girls'. If his feet were smaller, he would be very beautiful.

Chu Yunshu still didn't speak, but his hands kept holding her clothes tightly.

Wan Ge initially thought that if he took the medicine properly, his dependence on her would gradually decrease, but she suddenly realized that she was wrong. The boy would only feel better when he was around her.

And when she was not in his sight…

Wan Ge was taking a good bath, but suddenly felt something was wrong and saw the boy squatting at the door.

Although the door separated him from seeing anything, Wan Ge always felt that…

Wan Ge walked to the door and opened it.

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