Wan Ge also explained to the other party why he got sick. It had nothing to do with Liu Qianliang. It was not his problem. He just didn't take care of his body.

Although his daughter said so, as a father, he would still think that Liu Qianliang didn't take good care of him. But since his daughter said so, he couldn't say anything else. However, he still didn't have a good face towards Liu Qianliang.

But he didn't want to hit him. He just talked to his daughter for a long time. Finally, he left because he thought she needed to rest well.

Liu Qianliang has been blaming himself. He seems to have forgotten everything and can't think so much. If it was before, he would definitely not understand Wan Ge's behavior. It is obvious that his personality is different from what he thought.

When there were only two people left, Wan Ge looked at the person in front of him: "What's wrong? What are you thinking about? Are you worried?"

Liu Qianliang lowered his head and hummed: "He is right, I didn't take good care of you."

Wan Ge looked at the person in front of him and smiled more deeply, and then replied directly: "I took you away."

I took you away, and you have been taking care of me wholeheartedly since then, so it is not your problem at all.

Liu Qianliang lowered his head and did not speak, but he could bring her back.

"And I don't have any big problems now, I just need to treat it slowly, don't worry, didn't the doctor say? I am recovering very well." She recovered very well, so he didn't have to worry at all.

Wan Ge's recovery speed was really fast. She was completely cured in two months. This is already a very fast time in this world. Of course, in addition to Wan Ge's relatively good health and active treatment, there are so many famous doctors. If she recovers slower than others, won't these famous doctors and people's livelihood be ruined?

However, after these famous doctors cured her, they did not leave, because Liu Qianliang officially hired them.

In fact, some of them were used to being free and easy before, but... he gave too much. They accepted the money with tears in their eyes and agreed to stay.

Usually, no one wants to be treated, but Liu Qianliang seems to be a little interested in this.

In fact, he just wants to learn well, so that he can treat his wife without others. But when he was learning medicine, he suddenly discovered an important thing.

One day, Wan Ge finished bathing early, and when he came out, he saw the other party drinking something, and the smell of medicine was quite strong: "What are you doing? Are you sick?"

Is he sick? Why don't I know.

Liu Qianliang shook his head and said that he was not sick, it was okay.

Wan Ge still felt puzzled, and she seemed to have never seen such medicine before.

Ruanruan told her at this time that Liu Qianliang didn't want children, so he had been studying this type of medicine recently. Of course, he drank it, not for Wan Ge.

Wan Ge knew that men were not allowed to drink medicine for women, so he must have consulted with the doctors to make medicine specifically for him.

But under normal circumstances, she would not have children. Because she was a female supporting role, many of them would either die alone or die early, so under normal circumstances, she would not have children, so there was no need to worry about this problem.

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