She would go to some high-end restaurants and some commercial performances if she was needed.

She had met many people in her original family before. Although most of them knew that she ran away from home and did not dare to contact her, there were still a few friends who would introduce her to jobs.

The city where Wan Ge is now is not her home. Even if she attends some banquets here, few people will recognize her.

This banquet is quite special. There are many celebrities and many rich people. According to this configuration, a very famous pianist would usually be invited, but because of Wan Ge’s friend, the other party agreed and let Wan Ge’s friend decide to invite people.

Wan Ge knew that the villain would go to this banquet. In the original plot, she refused because she was worried about being recognized by others. Now, of course, she couldn’t miss the opportunity to get close to the villain.

It seems that this is the first time she has been in trouble to get close to the villain.

Seeing Wan Ge agree, the other party was indeed surprised. After all, she had mostly refused such occasions before, unless it was a masquerade where she didn’t have to show her face.

At this time, the other party sent her another message: [By the way, do you really plan to stay like this? 】

In fact, Wan Ge's parents only have one daughter. Although they have been arranging her life, they will definitely give her the inheritance in the future.

The other party still thinks that it is easy for her to go home as long as she apologizes and admits her mistakes.

Moreover, she originally studied to manage family businesses, and those who can afford to hire her would know that her family background would not hire her.

Too small companies would think it would be strange for someone like her to go to their company, so she finally relied on playing the piano to make money.

Wan Ge replied: [It's good now, let's talk about the future later. 】

Then he asked the other party if there were any special requirements for the banquet, and whether she had to prepare anything?

And the other party quickly replied that it was not necessary.

On the day of the banquet, Wan Ge saw many top stars, as well as the rich people in this city and their wives.

For banquets like this, ordinary second- and third-tier cities are difficult to come, so only the most popular ones can come.

Wan Ge only needs to play the piano when it is her turn. There are other people and other bands who don't need her at other times.

Wan Ge stood in the corner, and a mixed-race boy in a suit came to her.

Wan Ge had just seen the other person with the band members, and she also knew who he was. He played the violin very well and was a famous violinist. Of course, in addition to this, his appearance was even more well-known because he was very good-looking.

He probably didn't know Wan Ge, but he was puzzled that she could be one of the pianists at this banquet, so he came up to ask about her.

Wan Ge also politely told the other person his name, but he still seemed to have no impression. He thought that there must be something different about the other person's appearance, and politely said that he was looking forward to her performance, and then left.

Wan Ge didn't say anything. When she looked up, she saw the heroine not far away. Some young celebrity wives said they wanted to take a photo with her, but the heroine was standing next to her.

"Why are you here?" Suddenly a low voice came, and when Wan Ge turned around, she saw the heroine.

Mu Yunche looked at the girl in front of him, his ex-fiancee. The engagement ceremony could not be held as scheduled because she ran away. Later, the two families almost fell out, and the engagement was officially cancelled.

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