"But don't you think that your parents spend too little time with you?" Nan Sang just quit work recently. He used to spend most of his time at work, and the rest of the time was with him. After the child was one year old, Nan Sang mostly handed the child over to the maid to take care of. The time spent with the child does not exceed one hour a day.

"No, the mothers of other children don't often accompany them." Many people are picked up by maids, and some are picked up by grandparents. It is almost impossible for a mother to pick up a child every day like him.

"Xiao Chen doesn't like your mother to accompany you?" Wan Ge looked at his son and asked again, what link went wrong? Why did he always accompany Xiao Chen in other worlds, and Xiao Chen didn't seem unhappy or disliked it! And he was always sticking to him.

Is there something wrong with my education method? Or is there something wrong with my companionship method? "It's not that I don't like it. I'm very happy that my mother can accompany me, but my father said that my mother is his and I can't always occupy my mother."

He is naturally happy when his mother plays with him, but even if his mother doesn't accompany him, he doesn't feel sad. Nan Chen feels that he is very happy whether his mother is there or not.

It's just that his father is unhappy. Every time his mother is with him, he can feel that his father is not happy.

He likes his father very much and doesn't want to see him unhappy.

"Do you really want your mother to accompany your father?" Wan Ge asked seriously again.

Nan Chen nodded obediently: "Mom, go quickly. Don't worry, Aunt Xiaoxiao will accompany me. I won't be alone."

"Okay, then mother will go." Wan Ge touched his head and finally got up.


"Wife." Nan Sang saw Wan Ge walking towards him and hugged her happily.

"Tell Xiao Chen that I am yours and he can't occupy me?" Wan Ge raised her eyebrows and looked into his eyes.

Nan Sang also looked back at Wan Ge and answered seriously: "I'm not wrong. You are my wife and belong to me alone."

Wan Ge smiled helplessly: "You are such a jealous king. You are jealous of your son."

"I don't care." Nan Sang hugged Wan Ge tightly, his tone was still full of grievance, and his eyes were red again: "Are you going to be mean to me?"

"How could that be?" Wan Ge looked at the other party who was about to cry again, and felt distressed instantly.

Nan Sang raised his lips contentedly when he saw this: "I know my wife is the best, and my wife will not be mean to me."

"Why are you still like a child?" Wan Ge pinched his face.

Nan Sang whispered in his ear: "Then just be my wife's eternal child."


After that, Nan Sang would often accompany Wan Ge to pick up and drop off the children.

But...Wange threw the application form in her hand to Nan Sang: "Why did you enroll your child in a summer class? Why didn't you ask me?"

The kindergarten has a summer class, the purpose is to allow those parents who don't have time to accompany their children and take care of their children to safely hand their children over to the kindergarten. But they are not people who don't have time to accompany their children.

Nan Sang looked at her, silent for a long time, and then said: "If you don't send him there, does Wan Ge want to accompany him every day?"

Nan Sang's expression was still calm, if it weren't for Wan Ge's inexplicable feeling of a chill on her back, it was very similar to the feeling when he had been following her.

Wange had no choice but to reach out and hug him: "Sang Sang, I don't think so, I just think you need to tell me."

"You won't agree if I tell you." Nan Sang lowered his head

"How do you know I don't agree if you don't say it?"

"So you agree?" Nan Sang's tone was full of surprise.

"It seems too late to disagree now."

"I knew you liked him more, humph!"

"If I liked him more, I would hug him and run away."

Nan Sang was terrified when she heard this and immediately hugged him tightly: "Don't run away."


① Don't run away, you can only be mine.

② He will have a wife to accompany him in the future, and you are my wife.

③ Don't leave me, never.

—— Nan Sang

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