If the two of them were at loggerheads, it would be easy to do. As long as I showed up in front of Wan Ge, she would definitely do whatever it takes to snatch me back when she saw how beautiful I was.

Then I would do something else, either let them fight to the death, or let both women serve me.

But I didn't expect Wan Ge to be completely uninterested in him. Seeing her look full of blessings, Feng Fujiu had to explain anxiously.

Prince Yan frowned subconsciously when he heard what Feng Fujiu said.

Yes, I haven't given him a name yet, but their relationship is not considered friends. How can friends stay close to each other and sleep together?

"I see." Then he introduced the people around him to Prince Yan: "Ayan, this is your brother-in-law, my Feng Jun."

Prince Yan smiled and saluted Ci Xingxuan in his heart, but he didn't call him brother-in-law, but called him Feng Jun directly.

Ci Xingxuan nodded and said, "Your Highness is the emperor's sister. There is no need to be so polite. You can just call me the emperor's brother-in-law."

When Ci Xingxuan finished speaking, he glanced at Feng Fujiu.

Feng Fujiu also looked at Ci Xingxuan. The other person's face was really good-looking. He was so confident that he actually felt that he was a little inferior to him.

Prince Yan just smiled and didn't say, "After all, there is a difference between the monarch and the minister."

After the meal started, everyone found that the emperor's attention was on Feng Jun. He focused on picking up food for Feng Jun and picking fish bones for Feng Jun.

But Prince Yan also noticed that the two nobles were not very happy. The corners of her lips curled slightly, and she seemed to have a new idea.

Since Qi Wange didn't cherish her, it would be better to let the two beauties cherish her.

In the middle of the meal, Luo Ziyun felt a little uncomfortable and left the table early.

Not long after Luo Ziyun left, Prince Yan also disappeared. At the same time, Feng Fujiu saw Wan Ge walking towards the Imperial Garden and found an excuse to leave.

Wan Ge left the banquet and ran to the Imperial Garden, naturally to surprise her little baby, but she didn't expect to see Feng Fujiu in the Imperial Garden.

At this time, Ruanruan told Wan Ge about Feng Fujiu's plan.

Wan Ge looked at the person in front of her and said softly: "What does Mr. Feng want to see me for?"

Feng Fujiu looked at the beautiful woman in front of her. It was said that she was incompetent and extremely lustful. But she could be so calm in front of a man like herself.

It seems that these are just some rumors. I am seriously inconsistent with the crew.

"I just came out to breathe because I felt a little uncomfortable. I got lost for a while. I wonder if Your Majesty can take me back." Feng Fujiu spoke timidly, looking up at Wan Ge with admiration and love in his eyes.

Wan Ge called for Chief Steward Mu directly: "Mr. Feng is lost, send someone to take him back."

Feng Fujiu's face froze, he never expected Wan Ge to react like this.

But he couldn't say anything, he could only thank her with a smile, and finally left with the servants.

Chief Steward Mu whispered in Wan Ge's ear: "I think this Mr. Feng is not a good person, he clearly had intentions towards Your Majesty just now."

"Why do you say that, Chief Steward Mu?" Wan Ge looked at her with a smile.

Chief Steward Mu looked at the guards nearby, and there were many servants: "There are so many people here, and they have to bump into Your Majesty, what else could it be if not intentional?"

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