The man said with a smile: "My name is Chu Xi, and I am the owner of No. 22."

No. 22 is not too close to him, and it is not too far from the same villa area. She heard the servants talking about it two days ago. Someone finally moved into No. 22. They said that the owner had returned from abroad and was a handsome man.

But they also said that he was handsome, but not as good-looking as the gentleman.

Wan Ge just said "oh" coldly. At this time, the housekeeper had already come. Wan Ge looked at her watch and it was already one o'clock.

"Madam, it's time for lunch."

"Okay." Wan Ge responded, and the housekeeper also came forward to help pack up the painting supplies.

Chu Xi seemed to have not come out of the word "madam". When she came to her senses, she stretched out her hand to grab Wan Ge's opponent, but she avoided him perfectly.

"What's the matter?" Wan Ge looked up at him.

"You haven't told me your name yet." Chu Xi spoke softly again.

"You don't need to know." Wan Ge was about to leave, but suddenly she seemed to remember something and looked back at him.

Chu Xi's eyes flashed again, but were shattered by the next sentence: "Also, I remind you that this area is private, you'd better leave quickly."

Although not the entire lakeside belongs to their family, the area to the south is theirs. The place where Chu Xi is now is also their area.

After Wan Ge finished speaking, she left with the housekeeper. On the way, the housekeeper asked her if she was hot or thirsty.

Wan Ge shook her head: "Thank you, Aunt Mei, I'm not hungry or thirsty."

This housekeeper aunt watched Qian Zhi grow up, so compared to other servants, the housekeeper is naturally different from ordinary people, so Wan Ge will also be closer when talking to her.

Aunt Mei said softly: "The master knows that the wife likes that area, and is preparing to have someone renovate it."

"Hmm?" Wan Ge's eyes were a little puzzled.

The scenery there is very nice, but there is really nothing except some wild flowers and trees.

Aunt Mei seemed to suddenly realize that she had let the cat out of the bag, and quickly covered her mouth: "Ahem, nothing... nothing."

In fact, Qian Zhi knew that she liked it, so he wanted to have it renovated so that Wan Ge could have a place to rest and make the whole thing more beautiful.

The lake was originally an artificial lake, and the surrounding plants were also planted artificially, so there was no problem with artificial modification.

Wan Ge did not go out in the afternoon, but finished the whole painting in the studio.

After the painting dried, it was sealed for preservation.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Qian Zhi returned home on time. Before he entered the door, the bodyguard next to him told him who Wan Ge had met when he went out today.

Qian Zhi frowned: "Since it is a private area, remember to hang a sign to remind him."

It's just that I don't think it's necessary to stop him. After all, almost everyone in this area knows that it is his private area, so Qian Zhi never thought that someone would mistakenly enter, and it was a young and handsome man who also had a hobby of painting like his wife.

"The illegitimate child of the Chu family who was found?" Qian Zhi said this in a cold tone, and then walked directly into the living room.

After asking Aunt Mei, he learned that his wife was in the studio on the third floor, so he went up directly.

Wan Ge had just finished cleaning the painting tools when he was suddenly hugged by someone. He knew who it was without having to guess.

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