The original owner had never replied to her messages before. In fact, she was not angry or anything. The main reason was that she did not dare to read it. Although she made such a bold move and ran away, she was still a little afraid of her family.

When she saw her mother sending her messages or calling her, she would subconsciously avoid it, so as not to be scolded or blamed by her family.

Wan Ge still pressed the answer button and gently called her mother.

Seeing that the other party was willing to answer the phone and listening to the familiar voice, Mrs. Shen gently said: "Xiao Ge, are you not doing well outside? You have lost weight, can mom pick you up and go home?"

Even if her husband disagreed, she would go and take her child back.

"I don't want to!" This was a rejection from the original owner, who was now very reluctant to go home.

Wan Ge whispered again: "I am doing well now, don't worry, mom."

"Then I'll have someone send your wallet over, okay?" In fact, the Shen family did not restrict her card, but since the girl decided to run away from home, she did not take any bank cards or the like except the cash in her wallet at the time.

Wan Ge told her again: "Really, no, I'm really living a good life, you don't have to worry about me."

Although life is indeed not as good as before, the original owner was really happy during the time she ran away from home, and felt that she was particularly free, a freedom she had never had before.

"Is Dad still angry?" She did this, and the other party must be really angry, anyway, the other party did not take the initiative to say a word to her.

The original owner did not, because she did not dare.

Mrs. Shen immediately replied: "He has that kind of stubborn temper, you don't have to care about him, don't stay home because of him."

Wan Ge lowered her head and did not speak. Mrs. Shen seemed to realize something, and then she spoke softly: "If you want to go home, call mom anytime, okay? Don't be afraid."

Wan Ge hummed, and finally said sorry to the person on the other end of the phone.

Mrs. Shen did not say much. She knew that it was not entirely the child's fault. It was because they had too strong a desire to control her life.

But they also came this way, and their lives were controlled by their ancestors. She felt sorry for her daughter and knew that it was not wrong for her to want to escape so much. But this is their life.

Wan Ge didn't talk to her much, just asked her to have a good rest, and then hung up the phone.

On the top floor of a building, a middle-aged man in a suit pushed his glasses, and the assistant beside him was reporting very seriously.

If you don't listen to the content, you will definitely think that something very serious is being said. But in fact... the assistant reported some things about Shen Wan Ge, including the hot search event that happened today.

Mr. Shen's low voice just said very calmly: "Tell them that there is only one heir in the Shen family."

He has no other heirs, and Shen Wan Ge is his only daughter.

He really wants the other party to suffer a little outside, and then admit her mistakes and go home. He also deliberately made clear her identity so that others dare not accept her and let her work in their family.

But letting her suffer is letting her suffer, it does not mean that others can bully her and others can target her.

All he wants is that her life is not so good. His daughter has been spoiled since she was a child, and he believes that she can't hold on for long.

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