To be honest, Wan Ge really didn't understand what Jiang Yin was thinking. She dared to drug Qian Zhi directly.

Perhaps no one would have thought that Qian Zhi was tricked because of this.

"Why were you drugged?" Wan Ge still felt a little puzzled.

Qian Zhi didn't seem to be such a defenseless person. Even if Jiang Yin did have the courage to drug him, Qian Zhi didn't seem to be so easily fooled.

Qian Zhi lowered his head and answered after a while: "I received a note saying that you were in danger and asked me to go to a room. I couldn't contact you at the time, and I was worried that something might happen to you, so I went."

I didn't expect that just this time, he would be tricked by others.

Qian Zhi was originally a very vigilant person, but when he encountered Wan Ge's matter, he would be confused and lost his judgment for a while.

Wan Ge understood everything after hearing what he said. She reached out and hugged him, then whispered: "Qian Zhi, I am not so easy to be bullied, and I will not be taken away so easily. If there is danger, I will find you. If I can't contact you, I will also find a way to escape. Of course, more importantly, I am not alone now, and I will not put myself in a dangerous situation.

So, no matter what happens in the future, don't lose your judgment because of me, understand?"

"I understand." Qian Zhi actually found that he was emotionally unstable on the way there and lost the ability to think normally. At that time, he was persuading himself to calm down while heading to that place.

When Qian Zhi dealt with Jiang Yin, he also included Chu Xi.

It turned out that the two had known each other for a long time. The message and photo that Qian Zhi received at the beginning were sent by Chu Xi. After checking the IP address, Qian Zhi's people also investigated it.

Jiang Yin and Chu Xi met when they were abroad. Jiang Yin was not a quiet person when he was abroad. He met Chu Xi by accident.

The two added each other as friends, but they didn't talk much later for various reasons.

Before Jiang Yin returned to China, he had inquired about Wan Ge's affairs, and then saw a painting in Chu Xi's social circle, which was a painting of someone else.

Jiang Yin recognized the person at a glance, and looking at the text Chu Xi had added at the time, Jiang Yin was so angry that her fists clenched.

However, seeing that the other party seemed to be in love but not wanted, Jiang Yin heard that Wan Ge was already married, so she thought about it in her mind and finally took the initiative to find Chu Xi.

The main purpose was to stir up trouble and make Wan Ge and her husband feel uncomfortable.

But unexpectedly, there was no effect at all. The final result was still tragic.

As a society ruled by law, Qian Zhi would certainly not do murder and arson, but in his words, it was normal business competition.

When Wan Ge was five or six months pregnant, Qian Zhi really left his work at the company and handed it over to his parents to accompany her wholeheartedly.

And Wan Ge's brother and sister also came many times, especially every time the sister came, she would look at their preparation plan.

Regarding diet, proper exercise, and normal psychological activities, these arrangements are particularly satisfactory.

So from the beginning, I was worried and brought all kinds of food suitable for pregnant women, as well as some books. Later, I prepared baby supplies directly, so that my little nephew could use them.

As for Mr. Lu, he never showed up, but this was not a bad thing for Wan Ge, because she didn't really want to see him anyway.

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