To be honest, I investigated her preferences and knew that she liked yellow roses, so Qi Luo asked someone to prepare them.

It was just that when passing by the flower shop, Qi Luo saw the purple tulips on display and inexplicably felt that she would like them, so he bought the tulips as well.

Now it seems that his decision was not wrong. Wan Ge really likes purple tulips, and it seems that she likes them more than yellow roses.

Maybe people will change, Qi Luo didn't think much about it, and didn't know that the soul in his body is no longer the same as before.

But Qi Luo wouldn't mind, because he knew the current Su Wan Ge from the beginning.

Wan Ge put the flowers down and said to the person in front of him: "I have told my mother that we are together, and she is very happy."

Qi Luo replied: "I also told my mother that I would marry you."

At that time, he heard the sound of the mobile phone falling to the ground. It was obvious that the other party was scared. Although it was a blind date arranged by her, perhaps he felt that he would never accept Wan Ge.

Mrs. Qi did doubt herself a little. What did she miss? Why did her son suddenly change his mind after a blind date? Qi Luo doesn't seem like someone who changes his mind so easily! What's going on? Why did he agree so quickly?

After calming down and sharing it with her husband, Mrs. Qi came up with an answer, so she picked up her phone and edited a message: [You didn't do anything, did you? Threaten other girls? Or made a deal? No! I will never allow such a situation to happen. ]

Qi Luo sent her another message: "Don't worry, there is no conspiracy, only pure love. I just like her and only like her."

Mrs. Qi didn't believe it after Qi Luo said this, and even suspected that her son was stolen. Is this true?

[What about the man you were originally with...what are you going to do? ]

[You don't allow it? Then let it be. ]

It was so easy to say, as if Qi Luo had never liked the other person, and Mrs. Qi began to doubt her life

When has Qi Luo ever been so obedient? Is he holding back some big move? Mrs. Qi kept thinking about it and always felt that things were not that simple.

Wan Ge and Qi Luo sat on the sofa, and then Wan Ge received another message from her brother, still asking for help.

Wan Ge glanced at Qi Luo and asked again: "By the way, A Luo, how did you know Xiao Zhou? I heard that you have known each other for a long time?"

My little villain is alone most of the time, and he really has a general relationship with some people.

Unlike this world, he seems to be a good friend with everyone, as if he is very close, and the friendship has grown from childhood.

"Indeed, I have known each other for a long time." Qi Luo recalled the time when he met Su Wanzhou.

At the beginning, his grandfather's business was made bigger and bigger by his father, and his father had to move to a new house. That was the first time he met Su Wanzhou.

In fact, Qi Luo was alone before that. In addition to his parents, there were only some servants and aunts left, and there were no children of the same age to play with him.

He was the same that day. He wanted to play outside by himself for a while, but he met Su Wanzhou. The little boy stretched out his hand to him and said, "Did you just come here today? Hello, my name is Su Wanzhou. Do you want to play with us? We are very close friends."

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