"So you plan to take action?" Since the other party said so, he must have thought about how to take action.

Mu Zhuochen nodded: "How about making Yunguo a vassal state of our Great Chu? A complete vassal state."

Yunguo would start a war between the two countries whenever it had something to do, and harassed the border for decades. Even if they got what they wanted at this moment in exchange for a short period of peace, once the other party recuperated, they would surely usher in a more intense war.

"Since you have arranged everything, I have nothing to worry about."

"Your Majesty can rest assured that I am here, and Your Majesty can always remember that I am here."

Mu Zhuochen directly rejected the request for marriage, and directly led the army to take over Yunguo within half a year. It also caught Yunguo off guard.

In addition, rumors about the throne were everywhere. It was not that Mu Zhuochen wanted to be emperor as before. It was that people who were reincarnated from Fengxing and had the fate of a phoenix were very likely to become empresses.

There has never been a precedent of a woman becoming an emperor in the past dynasties. No one believed it at first, but with more and more intentions and rumors from others, it seems that a woman becoming an emperor has become a foregone conclusion.

Some ministers have also proposed to find the source and completely eliminate it, but it is too difficult to find the source, and there is no news so far.

Wan Ge realized that this is very likely that Mu Zhuochen is paving the way for her, so in the face of the proposals of those ministers, she agreed on the surface, but in fact, she not only did not help, but also silently hindered it.

When Mu Zhuochen took over Yun State in one fell swoop and returned to the court, Wan Ge would be restored to her female body. I have discussed it and think that the most suitable time is when he returns to the court.

Most of the gods will not be able to react when two things hit together.

Wan Ge stood on the high platform, looking at Mu Zhuochen who was walking towards her fiercely, and directly raised her voice: "My dear ministers, I have something to announce."

The other ministers looked at each other, thinking about what Wan Ge would say.

I found Wan Ge staring at Mu Zhuochen. No way! Your Majesty, don't you have any improper thoughts about the Regent Prince of Qingfeng Jiyue?

I heard before that the two of them were very close because of government affairs. Now, your Majesty, don't you say something absurd? Although there is no blood relationship, at least he has been called the emperor's uncle for so long.

But I didn't expect that the emperor would say something more shocking: "My dear ministers, what I want to say today is that I am a woman. The royal bloodline is dying, and in order to stabilize the people's hearts, my father announced to the outside world that I am the little prince, but I have always been a woman."

The ministers were dumbfounded. They didn't expect such a development. So what kind of playboy and unlearned Majesty has been hiding his female identity for so long, and no one has discovered it.

Just when they didn't know how to react, Mu Zhuochen reacted first, kneeling on the ground and saying, "May Her Majesty the Empress live forever."

Other ministers who reacted also knelt down and repeated what Mu Zhuochen said, "May Her Majesty the Empress live forever."

In fact, there are still many people who are dissatisfied, but there is no way, no one can stop it, let alone dare to stop it.

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