Wan Ge touched his face, her eyes full of admiration.

Mu Zhuochen always thinks things through and thinks of everything.

Mu Zhuochen lowered his head and kissed her forehead: "Today you are my bride, and the topic you discuss with me should not be about the court. You should think about the wedding night, whether Your Majesty wants to be on top or on the bottom?"

Wan Ge didn't react at first, until she was pressed down, Wan Ge slowly realized something, realized the book that Xiao Haizi gave her but he didn't finish reading.

I thought the emperor's uncle was not interested in women, after all, he was very shy when she was a little close to him, but I never expected that he was so good at that aspect.

At first, Wan Ge was still a little interested in monopolizing power, but gradually she found something wrong.

When she was revising the memorial, Mu Zhuochen was playing with flowers and birds. When she was discussing strategies with the ministers in private, Mu Zhuochen was brewing tea and cooking wine. She satisfied Mu Zhuochen, and when she had to get up from bed before dawn to attend court, Mu Zhuochen was sleeping peacefully with the quilt in his arms.

Damn it! How did he live her previous life? Why did he feel so uncomfortable seeing her living so comfortably?

Wan Ge clenched her fists, feeling a little angry. Thinking about it, she looked at Mu Zhuochen, who had just tormented her and was sleeping quietly, and kicked him.

She could hardly straighten her waist. The other party was happy and slept as long as he wanted to sleep, and he didn't have to go to court, review memorials, or deal with ministers.

Wan Ge became more and more angry and exploded. When Mu Zhuochen was kicked, he felt that the other party seemed unhappy, so he asked quickly: "What's wrong? Who made our Majesty unhappy?"

"You ask even though you know the answer. I can't be the empress for a day."

"What's wrong?" Mu Zhuochen's face suddenly became much more serious. He seemed to be worried that she would be bullied in the court, but she shouldn't be bullied with people he arranged to watch her.

"Hmph! I don't care. Starting tomorrow, you have to help me review memorials." Wan Ge's face was full of grievances and she seemed to be about to cry.

Mu Zhuochen nodded quickly: "Okay, okay, as long as you are happy and not angry, I can satisfy you with whatever you want."

So the next day, Mu Zhuochen saw the pile of memorials again. Wan Ge felt guilty at first, but later he felt that there was no need to feel guilty, so he stayed with him obediently.

Mu Zhuochen smiled and silently dealt with the memorials. Looking at Wan Ge who was completely devoted to handling government affairs, he smiled helplessly.

The speed of processing memorials by two people is much faster. Usually, Wan Ge takes a long time to process memorials, but now it takes less than half the time to process them.

Regarding the situation of the report and the needs, both of them have already come up with countermeasures.

Wan Ge took a look and found that it was just lunch time. It was great that she had a lot of free time in the afternoon.

But Mu Zhuochen hugged her and asked softly in her ear: "Your Majesty, do you want to get rid of your current life as soon as possible? No need to deal with government affairs or go to court."

"Do you have a way?"

"Of course." Mu Zhuochen picked him up directly: "Let's give birth to another little prince, then someone will help you."

That's what she said, but Wan Ge felt something was wrong. Why?


① We should be together forever, just like we have been supporting each other for so many years.

② Fortunately, fortunately you don't hate me, fortunately you like me.

③ In fact, I don't love the country, but I love you more.

——Mu Zhuochen

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