Xu Yan touched Wan Ge's head and said in a low and hoarse voice: "Are you still afraid with me here?"

Wan Ge nodded and shook her head. The scenes in the movie were indeed a bit scary, but when she felt that he was by her side, she would not be afraid.

It was already past eleven o'clock when the movie was over. When Xu Yan walked to the door, Wan Ge hugged his waist: "Xu Yan, Wan Ge, let's live together."

Since Wan Ge felt that she was suitable for him and was aiming for marriage, marrying him was a good choice. Living together now can also further see his character.

Xu Yan turned around and kissed Wan Ge on the forehead: "If you are so scared, don't watch it next time."

Xu Yan mistakenly thought that Wan Ge wanted to keep him because she was afraid.

Wan Ge shook her head, looked at him seriously and said: "I'm not afraid, I'm serious, let's live together and live together in the future."

Xu Yan's eyes flashed with a few struggles, and finally replied: "Okay."

From that day on, Xu Yan lived in the room next to Wan Ge. Every day when Wan Ge got up, he had already prepared a delicious breakfast. When he returned home in the afternoon, the house was clean. Xu Yan had already prepared the ingredients and was ready to take Wan Ge home to cook.

Even after Xu Yan got a job, it was still like this.

Seeing that he had to attend a meeting late at night, Wan Ge decided to have a good chat with him. "Yanyan, you don't have to pick me up from get off work and cook dinner anymore."

Xu Yan stood up immediately after hearing this: "Wife, am I too late? Sorry, I will be earlier starting tomorrow."

"No, no, no." Xu Yan did pick up Wan Ge from work late several times because of work. Wan Ge also said that she could go back, but Xu Yan insisted on picking up Wan Ge, so Wan Ge waited. Wan Ge was not afraid of waiting for him, but: "I feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for you working so hard every day. I really can go home alone, or I can ask Auntie to cook, you don't have to work so hard."

Xu Yan hugged Wan Ge in his arms: "I'm not tired, it's really busy at the beginning of the business, how about this, if I can't get off work early, let the driver pick you up, I really don't feel at ease if you go home alone."

Xu Yan has his own ideas, and he has a wealthy family to support him. His early days of starting a business were not difficult, but he was indeed very busy.

"Okay." Seeing how worried he was, Wan Ge agreed with him.

But most of the time after that, Xu Yan came to pick Wan Ge up after get off work, and only a few times did the driver come to pick her up.

In fact, Wan Ge didn't know much about what Xu Yan's company did, and she didn't ask him about his situation. She just said that if he needed help, he could come to her. After that, she didn't ask him about the company.

Until one day, Wan Ge was in the company and heard colleagues discussing, she knew what Xu Yan's company was doing.

Wan Ge entered the company ten minutes before work and saw several female colleagues discussing there, saying that they were so handsome.

She took a closer look and found that it was Xu Yan. He was on the financial report and became an outstanding young entrepreneur in the city.

Although Xu Yan came to pick Wan Ge up many times, because of his overly handsome appearance, Wan Ge always let him wait in the car. Such a handsome husband, of course, should be hidden for her to see.

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