But at this moment, Qin Yao was more afraid of Wan Ge. What was the other party's identity? It must be said that many things she said were worth thinking about.

For example, their blind date, such as the bag she carried when they met on the first day.

Qin Yao did make rumors about her, but she knew better than anyone that it was because the other party was too outstanding and too powerful, and there was no flaw that there would be such a thing as rumors, otherwise what she said would be the truth.

At first, she was not afraid of Wan Ge, but just thought that the other party might have some economic foundation, but she didn't think about it so deeply.

After all, apart from the bag, the other party's clothes were also low-key under normal circumstances. It was even more so in terms of how she behaved. If she really had a strong backstage, why would she squeeze in here with them?

But what Wan Ge said now really made her panic. She said that she knew herself and she knew very well what her family situation was now.

Once Wan Ge completely exposed this matter, she would not have to mix in the company at all.

After that, Qin Yao never mentioned Wan Ge’s topic on her own initiative again, and no longer slandered her.

When they saw her, they were completely respectful to their leader.

Others didn’t know what happened, but they were sure that Wan Ge was not someone they could mess with.

As for Qin Yao’s performance in the company, it was indeed different from before, but she was still good at understanding people’s hearts. She did a few things and made up for what she said.

And everyone would think that they would still have to get along with each other in the future, so it was unnecessary to confront each other. Even if they had changed their minds about this person, it was not impossible to get along with each other as well as before.

So Qin Yao’s performance in the company was not difficult, but she didn’t dare to provoke Wan Ge anymore.

“Why did you get off work so early today?” Wan Ge received a message from Xu Yan before she got off work, saying that he had arrived at their company’s parking lot, and she could just go to the parking lot to find him.

Xu Yan handed the flowers to her and said, "I have dealt with the more important things. I will go to get off work and get off work more normally and earlier in the future."

Maybe the people in the company don't get off work so early, but he will get off work early, so that the important things have been dealt with, the company is on the right track, and he doesn't need to be as busy as before.

"Come to think of it, I haven't been to your company yet!" Wan Ge knew what his company did a long time ago, but he had never been to his company.

"Do you want to go?"

"When I have time, I will go to your company to take a look."

"Okay, you are welcome to come and give us your guidance." Xu Yan smiled, fastened her seat belt, and then took her home.

Wan Ge washed her hands and went into the kitchen with him. She smelled the fragrance: "It's a good thing you eat healthy food, otherwise I would get fat sooner or later if you feed me like this."

Xu Yan smiled: "Don't worry, if you really gain weight, I will take you to exercise together."

And the recipes it is paired with will never make you fat. Of course, if you are a thin person, you will gain weight a little, because being too thin is not good for the body.

His nutritious recipes can make thin people gain a little weight, and can make fat people lose weight. The main point is health.

Wan Ge didn't know if it was an illusion, but eating like this with Xu Yan, it seemed that her body was much lighter.

Xu Yan eats very healthily, and the time and food he eats are very normal and standard. Wan Ge knew it from the moment they lived together.

I don't know if it's because he left home when he was young, or because he used to be a Taoist priest, Xu Yan is a person who never procrastinates. No matter what he does, he will be fast and clean. It's great to have such a person around to take care of his diet and daily life!

After dinner, Wan Ge supported her cheeks with both hands, and looked at him with her beautiful eyes without blinking. Xu Yan felt a little restrained.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" Xu Yan subconsciously touched his face.

Wan Ge shook her head: "No, I just feel like I found a treasure. Such a good person was actually brought home by me as my husband. I am so lucky."

Xu Yan's ears were slightly red, but he had to admit that he was extremely happy at this moment.

Wan Ge kissed him on the forehead, and Xu Yan asked softly: "Then when are we going to get the marriage certificate?"

They were originally going for the purpose of getting married. Now they have been together for a long time, and have even lived together for several months. It is reasonable to develop further.

"Then when do you want to?" Wan Ge looked at him with her beautiful eyes, and her eyelashes trembled slightly.

Xu Yan answered: "I think on October 15thThat's great."

Wange calculated that there are still three months until October 15th: "I think it's okay, so let's talk to my parents later?"

They have met each other, and the parents of both sides know each other, but they have never talked about the marriage seriously. It's time to invite people from both families to discuss it together.

"Okay." Xu Yan nodded, with a faint smile in his eyes. The gentleman on the road is like jade, which probably describes people like Xu Yan, right?

Wange looked at his beautiful face and couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

Xu Yan seemed to know that he was very good-looking, so every time Wane was stunned, he would smile, making the person who was originally absent-minded, even more dazed at that moment.

It was another Friday. Because the cooperation project was completed ahead of schedule, Wane, who is now a supervisor, directly gave everyone an early leave of absence.

And it was only noon at this moment, which was equivalent to giving them half a day off.

"Great, thank you Manager Lin, long live Manager Lin! "Someone shouted like that, Wan Ge just smiled and waved goodbye to them.

Wan Ge didn't forget what she said before about going to his company to take a look, so she had already sent a message to Xu Yan.

After saying goodbye to her colleagues, Wan Ge went directly to Xu Yan's company.

Perhaps Xu Yan had already said hello, when Wan Ge just arrived at the company to ask someone, the other party took her directly to the president's office.

Xu Yan's company seemed to be bigger than she thought. Standing in front of the huge French window, Wan Ge suddenly wondered why she didn't think about starting a business at the beginning?

But starting a business must be very tiring, forget it, it's good this way.

Wan Ge looked back at the layout of his office again, which seemed to be very different from others, and gourds or gourd-shaped things would be hung in some places.

While Wan Ge was still looking at it curiously, there was a voice outside the door. It should be a conversation between him and his assistant. Wan Ge didn't hear the specific content clearly, and then Xu Yan walked in from outside.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. "Xu Yan casually put the documents in his hand on the table and walked directly to Wan Ge.

"It's not long, I just arrived."

"Then I'll take you for a walk later?" Xu Yan's low voice sounded in his ears again.

Wan Ge nodded.

Looking at the layout in front of him, he said again: "Did you ask someone to do the current layout?"

Looking at this layout, it should have been carefully checked by someone.

Since you choose to do business, you must want to make money. If you ask someone to look at Feng Shui, it would be the best if you can make money. This is also the idea of ​​most people who do book layout for the office.

Xu Yan picked up the person and put him on his lap, and said softly: "Have you forgotten what your boyfriend does? Do I still need to find someone to do the layout?"

With his ability, it is easy to do this Feng Shui layout, and there is no need to find someone else, okay?

Wan Ge was stunned for a moment, then immediately turned around and said with a smile: "I forgot if you didn't say it. How can you be so great? ”

“Are you praising me?”

“Yes, I am praising you. How can someone know everything! Even business is so good.”

This is true. Xu Yan knows everything. Except for not being able to have children, nothing can stump him.

He had never been down the mountain before, and it should be difficult for him to keep up with many current events, but he did so well.

I thought that the business he mentioned was just an excuse for not wanting to go back to the family immediately. He wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect it to be the most powerful one at present.

“But I only belong to you, it's yours, so you don't have to be surprised.”

Wan Ge raised her own question again: “You have been in the mountains before, why did you adapt so quickly after going down the mountain? And doing business is the same, don't you worry about being out of touch with society because of some differences?”

Xu Yan answered her seriously again: “Although I have been living in the mountains and rarely go down the mountains, the Internet has long been all over the world, and there is also Internet access in the mountains. I know a lot of things from social software and some electronic devices. So I will not be out of touch with society.

Besides, I thought about this before I went on a blind date with you, and I have been making plans since then. "

It seems that there is no time for work when I am with him, but in fact, every time Wan Ge goes to work, Xu Yan is doing homework for his company in advance, understanding the various industries related to him, and making a layout for his company and the main operation content.

When everything is ready, Xu Yan knows that he can start.

As for why he wants to start a company and why he wants to make money, this isXu Yan said he would keep it secret for the time being.

"So that's how it is." After getting the answer, Wan Ge felt respect for Xu Yan this time.

Wan Ge looked at the Feng Shui in front of her and suddenly thought of something: "Do you think the Feng Shui pattern of our house needs to be changed?"

Xu Yan shook his head: "No, it's very good now."

Of course it's very good.

"That's fine." Wan Ge was mainly thinking that the other party's Feng Shui layout was so powerful, so why not let him try it again.

As for the Feng Shui layout of her house, it was actually done by someone her father had asked before. She actually really likes such a layout, which is beautiful and reassuring.

Because she didn't need to go to work in the afternoon, Wan Ge stayed in his office until he finished everything and went off work.

"Are you done?" Wan Ge followed him to the elevator door and looked at her watch again. It was only 4:30.

Although they normally work from 9 to 5, it is normal to work overtime or have something urgent.

But Xu Yan hadn't worked overtime recently, and now he took her out early. Fortunately, he was the boss, otherwise he would have been beaten.

When the two left the company together, many people in the company took the initiative to greet her because of Xu Yan.

Hearing them say hello to the madam again and again, Wan Ge felt a little shy and explained that they were not married yet.

They didn't seem to care about this at all. After saying "oh", they said, "Then the madam and the president will get married, remember to treat us to wedding candy."

"Of course." After Wan Ge answered, she left the company with Xu Yan.

On the way, Wan Ge suddenly realized that this was not the direction to go home.

Xu Yan explained softly, "Isn't tomorrow a holiday? You said before that you wanted to see grandpa, so we are going to his place now."

"So sudden? I didn't prepare anything?" Although she is the future granddaughter-in-law, it is also the first time to visit her officially. She should prepare some things and bring some gifts. She can't leave empty-handed.

Xu Yan whispered again: "Don't worry, I've prepared everything for you."

"By the way, did you know that I would leave work early today? How come everything is ready?"

Xu Yan just smiled and didn't answer. Wan Ge suddenly thought that the other party might be able to calculate and had already calculated that she was free this afternoon.

So even though he didn't reply to her message, she had already arranged everything when she arrived.

Obviously, the other party should have just come out of the meeting, but because he had calculated and knew when she would come, he had already given instructions and let him enter his office so smoothly.

The more Wan Ge thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible. After all, he always felt that Xu Yan was very magical and not like an ordinary human.

If there is still such a set of immortal cultivation now, maybe Xu Yan can really be a little different.

At about seven o'clock, Wan Ge and Xu Yan finally arrived at Grandpa's house.

Grandpa didn't want to live in a noisy place, so he moved to the suburbs.

I have to say that the scenery is really good, and the villas here are also decorated very well.

When they got off the car, pink petals fell on the two people. I don’t know what flowers are blooming in this season.

Xu Yan took out a few boxes of gifts from the trunk of the car, and then walked in with Wan Ge.

Wan Ge followed him and saw the energetic Grandpa Xu. She called him grandpa obediently and brought him the gifts.

Grandpa Xu pretended to be unhappy: "Why buy gifts when you come? Why are you so unfamiliar? Don't do it in the future!"

"Where are you unfamiliar? It's our duty to respect our elders. This is called feeling sorry for grandpa." Wan Ge said hurriedly, making it a matter of course to bring gifts.

Grandpa Xu thought about it seriously and it seemed to make sense.

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