But in fact, the heroine is a very intelligent and extremely cold-blooded person. Of course, her cold-bloodedness disappears in front of the hero, probably because she is portrayed as an affectionate and powerful woman.

Except for facing the hero, she has always been particularly cruel. As soon as she ascended the throne, she deprived all the power of the imperial sisters, and then demoted and killed them for various reasons.

The heroine's seizure of the throne is only a small part of it, and her greater part is the story behind.

The story behind is that the empress was calculated by the resentful imperial sister. Of course, this imperial sister is not the original owner, but other imperial sisters who were deprived of power, demoted, and exiled.

The imperial sister was unwilling to give up, and felt that even if she could never sit in that position again, she would fight to the death with the heroine.

So during one of the heroine's trips, she arranged for someone to assassinate him. The heroine was seriously injured when she fled back to the imperial capital and fainted on the path next to the temple.

The hero who was going to burn incense happened to save her. The hero was so beautiful that the heroine fell in love with him at first sight.

Later, she learned about his life experience. Although he was in a dirty place, he was like a lotus in the prosperous world, emerging from the mud without being stained. Many dignitaries wanted to redeem him, but he just wanted to leave the brothel with his own efforts.

It was also learned that he entered the brothel for his mother. His mother was seriously ill and the original small family had been broken up. He sold himself to enter the brothel for his mother's illness.

His piano skills were so good because he was originally from a small family, but still had a certain economic strength. His mother asked the teacher to teach him to play the piano since he was a child. He was indeed very motivated and learned very well, so the madam agreed to let him sell his art instead of his body.

But a man born in a brothel could not become a phoenix king. The heroine did a lot to rearrange the identity of the hero, erase everything about the hero's past, and let the hero stand beside her openly.

The hero was very touched by her behavior, so he tried every means to repay her. He became a good wife in the palace, playing the piano to relieve her worries, eating food to satisfy her cravings, and being gentle, considerate and careful.

He followed the heroine to fight, and always gave her some good ideas to help her win better.

His intelligence and virtue made the heroine more attracted to him, so she dismissed the harem and vowed to love only him in this life.

The emotional line in the beginning was pretty good, if not for the sacrifice of too many people.

Of course, the most broken thing was not that the heroine killed too many people too cold-bloodedly, but the most broken thing was the end.

The heroine lost her memory again in the injury, and was saved by a young and good-looking man again.

At that time, the heroine was already in her thirties, and the hero was almost thirty.

Although her face was still stunning, on the one hand, she had seen it for a long time, and on the other hand, the heroine had lost her memory and could not remember it at all.

The heroine fell in love with the male supporting role who saved her again. Later, she learned her identity from the jade pendant and saw the person who came to find her.

Even though the heroine had lost her memory, she was very smart. She found out that the person who came to find her was her most loyal subordinate, and then she learned some of her own affairs from the subordinate.

Of course, the zodiac sign also told the heroine that she had a beloved Feng Jun, but the heroine didn't care at all at that time, and was only focused on her new love.

What else could the subordinate say when she saw this situation? She could only shut up silently and not mention it again to avoid upsetting the monarch.

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