Yan Chenyi still didn't speak, Wan Ge kissed his forehead: "You only come to this world for once, you are not here for them, and you don't need to care about them so much.

If you want to accept their opinions, then listen, you do what they say, and become the perfect idol in their eyes.

If you don't want to accept, then be yourself, no one has the right to stop you from being yourself."

He is not for money, nor for the audience, and he doesn't live to please anyone. He can just be himself.

If he wants to be a singer who only wants to make money and be liked by fans, then he has to listen to others, follow others' requirements, and accept everything others say.

But he is not, then he doesn't need to listen to anyone's opinions, just be himself.

"You can never make everyone like you, so you just have to like yourself." Make peace with yourself, don't make things difficult for yourself.

Yan Chenyi ran out not to become a singer that everyone likes, he just wants to do what he likes.

Wan Ge leaned against him, and then said: "You treat it as a treasure, and you like it. Others may not like it, but it doesn't matter, as long as you like it."

You think that the treasure you like is worthy of everyone's love, but others don't think so. Others don't think it is a treasure, but it really doesn't matter.

Wan Ge understood his feelings. He would definitely feel uncomfortable if the things he made with all his heart and soul were still belittled and hated by others, but people are like this.

Yan Chenyi looked at the person in front of him, and then said softly: "You never care about what others think of you?"

"Of course not, I only care about the people I care about." When he said this, his eyes stared at him, as if to say that this person is you.

Yan Chenyi also understood: "Of course you are the most important to me."

He didn't contact her, not because he didn't want to see her, nor did he want to be with her, but because he didn't want to bring his negative emotions to her.

He just didn't want her to be in a bad mood like himself, so he chose to come out alone.

When Yan Chenyi lowered his head to kiss the person in front of him, Wan Ge suddenly covered her face and sneezed.

Yan Chenyi looked at the sea in front of him and felt the cool sea breeze. It must be too cold to make his beloved cold.

"Let's go." Yan Chenyi stood behind her, holding her shoulders, as if he wanted to use his body to block the wind for her.

Wan Ge replied with a "yes", and then followed him.

The two did not walk far, Yan Chenyi took her to his villa.

Wan Ge had heard that Yan Chenyi's grandmother was very rich, and his grandmother was probably the only one in his family who knew nothing about piano.

When the other party appeared in this area, Wan Ge thought that this should be the house left to him by his grandmother.

Sure enough, when he entered the door, he saw a photo of an old man and a teenager.

Yan Chenyi noticed that her eyes were on the photo, so he explained to her: "That's my grandmother, and this house is what she left to me."

He has half a day every week to come here and spend time with his grandmother, and this half a day every week is the most relaxing time of the week for him.

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