Song Yu took the initiative to introduce himself to the other party: "I am Song Yao's brother Song Yu."

Wan Ge said, "Oh, it turns out to be your brother, but you don't look alike, I didn't recognize you."

When Wan Ge said this, Song Yu's face changed obviously, and the people around him were also stunned when they heard this.

At this time, Mrs. Song walked to Wan Ge, with a faint smile on her face, as if she was very happy because of their arrival, and then said to Wan Ge: "Xiao Yu is adopted by us."

This sentence explains why Song Yao looks so similar to his father, but Song Yu doesn't look like them at all.

Song Yao and his father were still very similar when they were young. Even though Mr. Song is older now, it can be seen that the father and son have similarities.

Because Song Yu has no relationship with the couple at all, even if he looks very good, he doesn't look like them at all.

Mrs. Song didn't seem to think that there was anything wrong with Wan Ge's words. After all, in her impression, this girl has always been very gentle and has no malice towards people.

Moreover, she had been trying to ease the relationship between her own son and them, which made Mrs. Song have a good impression on this girl.

In front of others, she seemed to have said some very bland and insignificant things, but only those who cared knew how much she cared.

Song Yu also had a certain understanding of her, and did not seem to realize that this person was intentional. He quickly adjusted his mood, just smiled lightly, and said: "Xiao Yao should have never told you, so it is normal that you don't know me."

Wan Ge also just glanced at him lightly, and then did not say much.

It is said that those who are involved are confused, but Mr. Zheng, who was observing from the side, seemed to have understood such things.

First of all, he is more familiar with and understands his daughter than anyone else. He knows what kind of person Wan Ge is better than anyone else, so he knows that Wan Ge said those words deliberately to stimulate Song Yu.

And Song Yu is not a good thing either. It is obvious that those words he said at the beginning and his appearance in front of Song Yao were actually deliberate provocations.

Although he didn't know why Song Yao was so hostile to this adopted son, he seemed to understand that there was something wrong, and the situation was quite serious.

Mr. Zheng actually saw his daughter and son-in-law when they arrived, but he was just talking to someone else, so he didn't come forward before.

Now Mr. Zheng slowly walked forward, looked at his daughter and said, "Why are you so late?"

It seemed that it was your father-in-law's birthday, how could you come now.

Wan Ge still had a faint smile on her lips, and then she said, "Because I picked a gift for my uncle for a long time, I didn't know what my uncle liked, so I came late."

Although Wan Ge's words seemed a little resentful, in fact, Song Yao was more helpless and loving: "And Song Yao didn't tell me. If it wasn't for Auntie sending me a message, I wouldn't know that my uncle's birthday was today. I won't do it next time."

The couple had long understood why their son didn't say it, and they didn't think it was a big deal. They were already very happy that Wan Ge could bring Song Yao here.

Wan Ge said to Song Yao again: "As a punishment, you must help your uncle entertain guests today."

It seemed like just like Song Yu just now, as a member of the Song family, entertaining guests together.

"I..." Song Yao subconsciously wanted to refuse, but looking down at the girl in front of him, he didn't know what Wan Ge wanted to do, but he seemed to understand what she wanted to do a little, so he finally answered a yes.

Unlike Song Yu, who seemed to know everyone, Song Yao had always been by his father's side, entertaining guests with him.

Others' unfamiliarity with Song Yao also made Mr. Song happy to tell others again and again that this was my son.

In fact, everyone here knew that Song Yu was an adopted son, but they didn't dare to say anything.

When Wan Ge passed by the garden on his way to the bathroom, he heard several people chatting.

"I didn't expect Song Yao to come back. What's the point of Song Yu being an adopted son? He was so proud of himself in front of us."

Another person also said with a sarcastic tone: "Isn't it? I thought that Song Yao had a bad relationship with Mr. Song and I had a chance to inherit the family property. I didn't think about who I am."

In fact, they didn't look down on Song Yu at the beginning, but this person was sometimes too arrogant in front of them, always acting more noble than anyone else, so theyAnd gradually became dissatisfied with each other.

The most interesting thing for Wan Ge was that he saw Song Yu standing not far away.

At the first sight of the other party, Wan Ge felt that the other party was not simple, which was why Wan Ge was so hostile to him.

And she always had a hunch that Song Yao's current relationship with his parents had a lot to do with the other party.

Wan Ge just went to the bathroom silently and then returned to Song Yao.

And this banquet seemed to confirm that Wan Ge would marry Song Yao, and the two families would become relatives in the future.

The status of the Song family and the Zheng family here is almost the highest. Others have always thought that if the two families have always been in a competitive relationship and it is getting worse and worse, maybe they can sit back and enjoy the benefits.

As a result, the two families are now going to marry, and other people's moods have begun to become complicated.

Wan Ge naturally entertained the guests with Song Yao, and at this time, she also saw Ji Xuan's parents.

Mrs. Ji still had a smile on her face, but she was not in a very good mood, and she only said a few polite words.

Later, the banquet was over. Because it was too late, Mr. Song and Mrs. Song took the initiative to keep the two of them. As for Mr. Zheng, he had already gone home.

Song Yao didn't want to stay, but he looked at Wan Ge, who was a little tired sitting on the sofa. The place where they lived was indeed a little far from here, so Song Yao finally agreed.

When Wan Ge left with him, she seemed to remember that her charger was still in the car.

Song Yao whispered to her, "I'll get it for you."

Wan Ge replied with a "yes" and said that she would go back to her room first.

Wan Ge went back to his room. Mrs. Song originally wanted to prepare another room for her, but Wan Ge took the initiative to say that she could just share a room with Song Yao and there was no need to prepare anything else.

Mrs. Song was stunned for a moment, but she seemed to understand what was going on. She replied with a faint smile on her lips.

Wan Ge returned to Song Yao's room, and Song Yao also arrived at the parking lot. As soon as he got the charger, he seemed to hear someone arguing on the side. He didn't want to pay attention to it, but what he heard made him stop.

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