I was afraid that by the time Zishuyan grew up, Wan Ge would have reached the age to get married. If others knew that Wan Ge was still sleeping with Zishuyan at such an old age, it would definitely have a great impact on her reputation.

The queen had long regarded Wan Ge as her own daughter, and naturally she would not think that a child would have that kind of affection so early. She subconsciously just regarded their closeness as the kind of family.

Zishuyan was very good at studying. His IQ was higher than that of many children. To be precise, the Taifu felt that he had never seen anyone with such a fast learning and adaptability, and he was still at this age.

It was just that Zishuyan was so good, a level that many people could not even dream of reaching, but his performance in this regard was a little cold, as if it didn't matter whether he studied well or not.

Seeing Zishuyan finish his homework early again, and then grabbing her clothes, silently watching her beside her.

Wan Ge felt that she should find something to divert his attention.

Wan Ge saw the guqin placed not far away, and seemed to think of something.

Learning musical instruments can cultivate sentiments and cultivate hobbies. Zi Shuyan had never been exposed to this before, so he should be curious. As for whether he likes it or not, it depends on him.

Wange looked at Zi Shuyan in front of him: "Yanyan, sister, can you teach you to play the guqin?"

Zi Shuyan nodded obediently. He didn't care what he learned with Wan Ge at all. He only cared about being with Wan Ge.

Soon the maid put the guqin away. Wan Ge took his hand to the side of the guqin. After it was done, she taught him to play it hand in hand.

Zi Shuyan's memory is really good. Wan Ge can remember it almost once. Obviously, at this age, children like to play and be distracted, and their memory is indeed weaker, but they still remember it without any mistakes.

Wange was actually surprised by his memory in this world. Although she knew that he was excellent in every world, his memory was really too strong.

After a while, Wan Ge gently let go of her hand and let the other party play. Zi Shuyan also quickly became serious. When he was about to finish playing a song, he suddenly woke up.

The piano in his hand made a harsh sound. Zi Shuyan stood up and looked back, and saw Wan Ge sitting next to him.

Wan Ge looked at Zi Shuyan who stood up, and her beautiful eyes were puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Zi Shuyan was relieved to see that she was still there. He didn't say a word but just hugged her tightly.

Wan Ge finally realized something. If a breakup happened, the other party would have this kind of worry and would subconsciously feel that they would break up with him.

"Don't worry, Yanyan, I won't leave. I will always be by your side. I promise." As long as you still need me and like me, I will always be by your side.

Zi Shuyan hummed and still hugged her tightly, but her words could make him feel at ease.

Wan Ge originally taught him to play the piano, but later Zi Shuyan really took it seriously, so she didn't pay much attention. When she suddenly found out, she was scared, thinking that he was not around again.

Wan Ge knew that she couldn't rush this kind of thing, so she could only let him become independent slowly, and then she could slowly try to separate from him.

Of course, the separation she mentioned meant that they didn't live together when it was necessary.

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