According to their judgment, the person who kidnapped Zi Shuyan and Wan Ge must be a very powerful martial artist, so he could take them away without anyone noticing.

Although the world is peaceful and almost everyone is satisfied with him as the emperor, there are also many people who have ideas about his current position, so the palace is still very strict. How could an assassin take away the little prince without anyone knowing?

The emperor didn't know what to do, so he could only send people to find them back no matter what.

He never thought that it might be his little prince who took the princess away.

Wan Ge woke up and looked at the extremely unfamiliar environment. In fact, she knew from the beginning that Zi Shuyan would occasionally put drugs in the water she drank.

Although she didn't know what he wanted to do and why he wanted her to sleep so deeply, since it was what he wanted, Wan Ge would of course fulfill him.

It's just that there was no abnormality before, it seemed that she just slept a lot, and Wan Ge didn't feel anything wrong until she opened her eyes today.

Looking at the completely unfamiliar environment, and then looking at Zi Shuyan in front of her.

Wan Ge's eyes were a little confused: "Where is this place?"

If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the other party who brought her out, and it might be a long distance from the palace.

Zi Shuyan didn't say anything, but looked at her with his beautiful eyes, and then asked: "Sister will be with me forever, right?"

Wan Ge would never marry another stinky man. She said that she would always be with her, and she told herself not to be afraid that she would always be there.

Wan Ge looked at the young man in front of her and nodded without hesitation. Of course, she would be with him forever, even if they were not in the small world.

Zi Shuyan was of course very satisfied with the answer she wanted.

Then Wan Ge heard the other party say: "Then let's live here in the future, okay? No one can disturb us here."

Zi Shuyan didn't care too much about his identity, and didn't care about unifying the country in the future. He just wanted to be with Wan Ge.

Wan Ge felt inexplicable, and didn't understand why this person suddenly brought her here, and said such words.

Of course she was not unwilling, after all, living alone with him was what she had always dreamed of, not that this matter was a little sudden.

"Have you told your father and mother? And Yanyan is the prince, you can't just run away like this." Even if he can hand over this position to Mu Shu or Zi Shuhua in the future.

But at least he is still the prince now, and he still has a lot to do.

More importantly! Wan Ge felt that the emperor and empress didn't know that the two of them were here, and Zi Shuyan might not have said anything at all.

Maybe the emperor and empress now just think that their son and daughter were captured by assassins.

Zi Shuyan lowered his head and didn't speak, he would not tell his father and mother! They would definitely not allow him to take Wan Ge away, they would only arrange a marriage for Wan Ge and want to deprive her from them.

Looking at his appearance, Wan Ge felt that the other party was particularly unwilling, which was very strange. Usually, he had a good relationship with the emperor and empress, and the emperor and empress were really good to him, and there was no family reason like before.

Zi Shuyan just had a simple mental illness, not because of family reasons.

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