Ye Yanmeng's temper instantly rose: "If you don't want it, then don't. I'm waiting for the day when your young master will take the initiative to ask me."

After saying that, Ye Yanmeng took her own things and left.

Just when she was planning to go to the large flat that Si Yu bought for his family, she received a call from her family.

His father asked in a particularly angry tone: "What did you do to Young Master Si? Why did he drive our whole family out and say he would take back the house."

"Is he with you?"

"Don't worry about whether he is there or not, just tell me what you did."

"Let him listen to the phone." Ye Yanmeng's tone was a little colder.

The person on the other end of the phone heard his daughter's tone, and his original arrogance subsided a little, and then he answered: "He is not here, he sent someone here. Except for the things we took from home, they don't let us take anything now."

Ye Yanmeng felt that the other party wanted to use her family to make her compromise, but was she the kind of person who easily compromised? She told her father directly: "I had a little trouble with him. You take them to a hotel first. Don't worry, he will regret it soon."

Hearing his daughter's confident words, the man was a little skeptical, but after hesitation, he decided to listen to him.

Just before hanging up the phone, she kept chattering: "I told you before to find a way to make him write your brother's name on the property certificate. Now let him kick us out."

"He didn't write a gift agreement. Even if he wrote his name, what can he do? He can still get it back. Okay, don't talk so much." Ye Yanmeng said this and hung up the phone directly.

Ye Yanmeng went directly to the door of Feng Sui Nian's house. The servant looked at the girl standing at the door and shook his head with a somewhat apologetic look: "I'm sorry! Miss Ye, our young master is not at home, please go back."

"Where can he go if he is not at home? Let me in quickly, I want to see him. There was just a misunderstanding between him and me. As long as I explain it clearly, everything will be fine. Be careful that he will fire you."

"I'm really sorry, our wife doesn't like strangers. If I let you in, I can't explain to her if she gets angry!"

"Do you know what you are talking about! I am your young wife."

Just as the two were arguing, a car stopped at the door, and a girl in a red skirt got out of the car. At the same time, the driver also took her luggage down for her considerately.

The girl thanked him, and the driver said you're welcome and left.

When the servant who was just inside the door saw the girl in a red skirt with a pale face, he immediately went out.

"Miss Jiang!" The servant's tone was full of surprise, and seemed to be a little unbelievable: "Why are you back?"

While saying this, he also looked at the security personnel on the side: "Hurry up and help Miss Jiang take the luggage in."

"Long time no see, Aunt Zhang." The girl greeted the servant in front of her with a faint smile.

"It's been a long time, why did you come back alone?"

Jiang Yi did not answer the servant's words, but looked at Ye Yanmeng standing beside her in confusion: "Who is this?"

Aunt Zhang glanced at Ye Yanmeng, and then answered Jiang Yi's words: "She is the young master's friend, let's not talk so much for now, Miss Jiang, go in first, don't stand here."

With a completely different attitude, Ye Yanmeng seemed to realize something, but she didn't think Jiang Yi had anything to do with Feng Sui Nian.

Instead, she thought that the girl wearing high-end clothes was the daughter-in-law that Feng Sui Nian's mother liked, so the servants of the Feng family were so servile.

But she didn't know that she was the one Feng Sui Nian really liked. Everyone in the Feng family knew it, and because of her illness, Jiang Yi always looked weak and fragile, which made everyone in the Feng family feel distressed.

Jiang Yi followed Aunt Zhang and walked slowly inside. After a certain distance, Jiang Yi spoke softly: "Is she that girl?"

When she said this, her hands hanging by her side clenched.

Aunt Zhang knew that she couldn't hide it, so she nodded: "It's her, but Miss Jiang, don't be too excited, it's not good for your health."

As an old man in the Feng family, Aunt Zhang knew most of the things about the Feng family.

When Feng Sui Nian asked Ye Yanmeng to appear in front of them, he had already greeted them, so Aunt Zhang was naturally very clear about these things.

When Aunt Zhang and Jiang Yi just walked into the door, they heard Mrs. Feng's voice: "Sister Zhang, I want the gift you prepared, you...ah? Xiaoyi, you are back!"

Mrs. Feng looked up halfway through her words and saw Jiang Yi.

EyesAll of a sudden, she brightened up and walked towards her immediately: "Why did you come back suddenly? How are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Why didn't you call me in advance so that I could have someone pick you up."

"I came back because of something. I just wanted to say hello to Anian. I'll go back to the Si family later."

"Why go back to the Si family? This is your home. Just live here with peace of mind." Madam Feng hurriedly held her hand, as if she was really worried that the girl in front of her would run to the Si family in the next second.

"This is not good."

"What's wrong with it? If you run away, how can I explain to that brat? And Ayu is your godmother, and so am I. I will be your mother-in-law in the future. Why are you being polite to me?"

Ayu is Madam Si Chu Anyu. Jiang Yi's mother passed away a long time ago. Originally, she only depended on her father. After her father passed away, Madam Si recognized her as her adopted daughter.

On the one hand, she was considered physically, and on the other hand, she was considered spiritually, so she was sent abroad for treatment.

Over the years, the Si family has been paying for her treatment, providing her with a place to live and expenses.

Jiang Yi is also very hardworking. Although she is often absent from classes due to poor health, her grades are still very good. Although she is still young, she is already a well-known designer abroad.

As early as the age of sixteen, she has started to support herself by designing. After adulthood, even the Si family does not need to pay for her treatment, and she will send a sum of money back to the Si family every year.

It seems that everyone in the Si family is telling her that she does not have to repay the money and does not have to feel guilty about them, saying that if it were not for her father Si Yu, she might have died long ago.

But she knows that the reason why her father saved Si Yu, in addition to being grateful to the Si family, is probably also out of guilt.

In his heart, he probably felt that the accident was caused by his anxiety because he heard that her illness had relapsed. So he couldn't let Si Yu get hurt, so he tried his best to protect him.

Jiang Yi felt guilty about this matter. If it were not for his physical condition, his father would not be like that, and Si Yu would not have to sit in a wheelchair.

But his parents always felt guilty about her health, especially her mother. After learning that she had congenital heart disease, she was depressed all day and died early.

The Si family felt that her father died in order to save Si Yu, so they felt guilty about her.

And she felt guilty about Si Yu's disabled legs.

In fact, they all knew that they were all victims.

If the road surface was normal, even on rainy days, with Jiang Yi's father's skills, there would be no accidents.

So the one who really should pay the price is the culprit who put this thing on the public road and caused the car accident.

Although Jiang Yi was sick since childhood, the people around her gave her a lot of care and everyone around her treated her very well.

Although Mrs. Si did not recognize her as a goddaughter at that time, she also raised her as a half-daughter, often bought her a lot of beautiful little skirts and gave her a lot of delicious food, and allowed her to study with the teacher when the teacher taught Si Yu.

It's just that many things Jiang Yi's father thought were too expensive, so he refused.

As for Mrs. Feng's attitude towards her, she didn't know her boy's feelings for her before, but she thought it was normal for him to treat her well since they were childhood sweethearts.

Mrs. Feng had been taught that everyone is equal since she was a child, and she would not have a different opinion just because Jiang Yi was not a rich lady.

She also felt a little more distressed for this girl who had been sick since she was a child, so when Jiang Yi came to play at the Si family, she would get a lot of favor from Mrs. Feng.

Because neither of them had a daughter, they were particularly fond of this girl who often appeared in the two families.

Jiang Yi had always been treated with kindness, so she was sick and never despaired of life until her father passed away. For a moment, it seemed that the whole person was crushed.

But she remembered that her father always wanted her to live well, and he would spend all his savings to treat her and give her the best.

So, she tried her best to live, in order to live up to her father's expectations.

But she really hated the family who killed her father.

When she first learned that Feng Sui Nian was going to use his feelings to deceive a girl, she actually didn't support it, but after learning what kind of person Ye Yanmeng was, she chose to remain silent and had no objection to their decision.

Aunt Zhang felt that the two had something to say, so she took the initiative to speak: "Madam, I'll go get the gift."

"Okay, thank you for your trouble." Madam Feng nodded, then took Jiang Yi's hand and sat on the sofa.

At the same time, she shouted: "Sister Zhang, please go upstairs and call that brat down."

"Okay, Madam." Aunt Zhang also answered immediately. Of course, even if Madam didn't tell her, she would tell the young master.

Feng Sui Nian, who was lying on the bed and sending a message to Si Yu, immediately threw away his phone and hurried downstairs after hearing what Aunt Zhang said.

Si Yu looked at the message he sent for a long time without reply, and shook his head helplessly.

Si Yu had known that Jiang Yi would return to China today, but it was obvious that Jiang Yi probably wanted to give Feng Sui Nian a surprise, so he didn't tell Feng Sui Nian.

He just arranged someone to pick up Jiang Yi, but forty minutes ago, the person who went to pick him up told him that Jiang Yi had taken a taxi by himself.

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