Early the next morning, Jiang Jin went to work at the company according to his normal time.

But he didn't know that at this moment, in the same city as him and near her, a woman wearing antique clothes appeared on the street.

Wan Ge didn't know where this place was. Everything was so strange to him. The people here dressed strangely, the buildings here were also strange, and the words they said were a little different from hers, but basically recognizable, not too different.

Wan Ge was really scared and panicked. When she first saw this bizarre world, she thought she had arrived in the underworld.

But when she was walking, she didn't notice the steps under her feet and fell. The pain from the palm of her hand made her realize that she was not in the underworld, because how could a ghost feel pain? And she still had feet, and they were also warm.

She looked at her hands and feet. They were in a very young state, no longer in an old state. She seemed to have returned to her youth, but appeared in a strange world again.

Wan Ge didn't know what she was going to do, nor where she could go. She didn't know anything and had nothing. She just walked with many people in a daze. After she got separated, she walked alone.

When she reached a crossroads, Wan Ge just raised her foot and an old lady next to her grabbed her hand.

"Little girl, the light has turned red! Didn't you see it?"

Wan Ge looked in the direction the old lady pointed and indeed saw a red light-like thing.

Then she found that the people around her didn't leave, as if they were standing here waiting.

"I'm sorry." Wan Ge bowed her head and apologized.

The old lady heard her accent and felt that she didn't seem to be a local. She looked at her hurried apology and the car that was driving by at this moment.

"Don't be afraid, I don't mean to scold you, I just saw that you seemed to be about to pass by, so I reminded you to pay attention to the red light."

Wan Ge seemed to understand, and of course she also saw that people couldn't go at a red light because there were those very fast things that were not known but should be driving tools. The speed and the material of the cars look very dangerous. If they are hit, the consequences will be disastrous.

"I know, thank you, Auntie." Wan Ge said again.

"No need to thank me, the little girl is really pretty. What she wears is also very beautiful. My little granddaughter likes to wear ancient style clothes. She said it is our traditional culture and cannot be abandoned. I don't understand it either, but it is really beautiful. As long as she likes it, it's fine."

Wan Ge didn't understand what was being said, so she could only nod obediently until the green light came on. The aunt reminded her that she could go. Wan Ge also understood that she couldn't go when the red light was on, and she could go when the green light was on.

But she still felt that such roads were very dangerous, and she tried to avoid them.

Wan Ge observed on the street for a day. She hadn't eaten for a day and felt very hungry, but she didn't have the square little thing that others held in their hands.

She didn't know what it was. She only knew that they seemed to give money by scanning it with that thing.

What's worse is that, late at night, when Wan Ge was walking, it suddenly started to rain heavily. She had no choice but to find a place to hide from the rain, and then she stood under a very tall building.

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