The first reaction of several people when they heard such words was: [Is the president married? ? ? ? ? ]

They should be the first to know this shocking news for a hundred years.

Just when nearly a thousand people in the company group were discussing whether President Jiang was misogynistic, it turned out that President Jiang was already married?

But they still didn't dare to call her Madam now. After all, this matter has not been confirmed yet. No matter what, they have to wait for the president to nod and confirm.

The secretary looked at the time. It was almost time. President Jiang should be finished with the meeting.

Sure enough, the door of the conference room opened not long after. Jiang Jin walked out first. When he arrived at the assistant's office, Jiang Jin stopped for a while.

Then he asked one of the secretaries what to eat for lunch today.

Jiang Jin didn't care about these things before. Normally, he would eat whatever the assistant ordered for him and never waste time thinking about eating.

The assistant thought to himself, it's really different when you have someone you like.

The assistant nodded obediently, and then I remembered what Wan Ge had just done, so I told Jiang Jin again: "Miss Chi just came out to look for you. I asked Miss Chi to go back to the office and wait for you."

Jiang Jin paused and replied, "I know."

The assistant said carefully again: "Miss Chi said she is your wife? Is this... true?"

"It's true, so you can also call her Madam." Jiang Jin didn't ask them to call her because he thought it was Wan Ge who asked them to call her Miss Chi.

So, as long as Wan Ge is happy, Jiang Jin can accept it whether it is Miss Chi or Madam Jiang.

The reason why Jiang Jin thought so was because he had never told them any news about Wan Ge. If they knew that Wan Ge's last name was Chi, then it must be that Wan Ge told them when she just came out.

After getting the real owner's personal recognition, the hearts of the others all felt like they had eaten a big melon.

They had been with Jiang Jin for quite a while, and they knew that he was a man of his word. Since he said it, then it was true.

After Jiang Jin answered that sentence, he turned around and walked back to the office.

Then he saw Wan Ge sitting on the sofa, and then picked up one of the books and started reading.

After a morning of recognizing words, Wan Ge had some impression of most of the things she could see, but she didn't understand much of the content. Because there was a certain gap in concepts and cognition.

Her understanding of the things in this world was not even as good as some illiterate people. Although those people could not read, they had a certain understanding of the common things in this world, while Wan Ge had no understanding at all. Although she was very smart and had a very stable and calm personality, it was impossible for her to become familiar with a completely unfamiliar world in one day.

Their thoughts were even different. After all, she had received a relatively traditional ideological education for nearly a hundred years.

When faced with some new viewpoints, there must be things that she didn't understand.

However, after a day's observation, Wan Ge also discovered that the world seemed to be more tolerant of women. Most women could walk on the street freely without worrying about other people's opinions.

And they seemed to be able to work the same way. After all, there were women working in this place called a company where they were now.

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