In the third year after Wan Ge arrived in this world, she became pregnant. To be honest, Wan Ge herself was also very happy, because this child was the only one who was connected to her by blood.

What she didn't expect was that this child was exactly the same as the child she gave birth to in that world. Even the grain under the corner of the eye was the same. Wan Ge suspected that this was her child, and their child had also come through, or reincarnated and came to them again.

When they were struggling whether to give the original name, they gave two names and let the child choose. The child chose the name Jiang Chen.

Regardless of whether it was their original child, it was still their baby.

The older the child grew, the more Wan Ge felt that it was her child, because the voice and appearance were exactly the same, and even the personality did not change much. It was just because they grew up in different worlds that they had different perceptions.

It was still the Xiao Chen with a good personality and extremely stable emotions.

Jiang Jin was of course very satisfied with his son, because this child was very smart and a good decision maker. When would it be appropriate for him to hand over the company to him?

When Xiao Chen was nine years old, his father took him to the company, saying that he was taking him to the company to play, but in fact he was secretly teaching him a lot of things.

When he was sixteen, Xiao Chen started to work on the company's affairs, and officially inherited the company at the age of eighteen. As for his studies... he was just a name in the school, and he practiced the school's courses every day. He basically got full marks in the exams, so the school had nothing to say.

More importantly, the investment made by the Jiang family in the school even made the school feel that it would be okay to give him a degree.

However, Xiao Chen's business practice and achievements are achievements that cannot be achieved in books.

His insights in business and his extremely outstanding performance were even invited by the school to return to his alma mater to explain to his younger brothers and sisters.

Xiao Chen did not refuse this invitation.

Xiao Chen became an adult at the age of twenty, Wan Ge was nearly forty-four, and Mrs. Jiang was in her sixties. The relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has always been very good.

The love of the mother that I didn't feel was felt by Mrs. Jiang.

At first, Jiang Jin didn't really like Wan Ge being so close to her mother, because she always felt ignored.

But later, she found that Wan Ge was very happy. When her mother treated her well, the touch and joy in her eyes were not what Mrs. Chi in that world had.

Jiang Jin also realized why Wan Ge liked to be close to her mother so much, because she had never felt her mother's love in that world.

She had been with her parents since she was a child, and her parents were extremely partial to her. Even if Mrs. Chi wanted to repair the relationship with her later, Wan Ge, who had been completely heartbroken, could not pretend that nothing had happened and repair the relationship with them.

Now her mother almost treated her as her own daughter, so of course she was very happy.

Wan Ge, who was in her fifties, went out to play with Jiang Jin and now lived on the top floor of a luxury hotel in a certain city.

Looking at the flashing neon lights downstairs, it seemed like a city with no end in sight. This world was really wonderful. Wan Ge was still very happy to be able to come here, especially with the company of the people around her.

To be honest, they have been together for so long, and it's not that no one wants to destroy their relationship, but the two have been married for a lifetime, so it's not so easy to provoke.

"A Jin, it's my honor to come to your world."

Jiang Jin held him in his arms: "It's my greatest luck to know you."


① It's my greatest luck that I can go to your world.

② It's my greatest honor that you come to my world.

③ Two lives are really not enough, I hope you and I can meet again in the next life.

——Jiang Jin

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