Wan Ge and the others soon arrived at the sealed land. There was a barren land with no grass growing in front of them. Many stone walls still had traces of the battles of the past.

Because there was still evil spirit left, there was no grass growing on this land.

There were six sealing formations in total, five auxiliary formations, and one ultimate formation.

There were five people from the God Clan plus Wan Ge, and five people from the Sea Clan plus Lin Yi.

Wan Ge divided the God Clan and the Sea Clan into one group, and she and Lin Yi went to reinforce the most difficult auxiliary formation.

After all five formations were repaired, they could reinforce the ultimate formation together.

In fact, Wan Ge had other selfish reasons for this grouping. After all, she wanted to determine what the situation of the male protagonist was. By dividing the two of them separately, she could better detect the problem.

Now Wan Ge had a clear idea in her mind, and it would definitely not be the same as the original plot. Others had no objection to this grouping, so they all went to the formations they wanted to go to.

When Wan Ge and Lin Yi arrived, they found that the sundial on the formation had fallen off. This sundial was not only a timekeeping instrument, but also a magic weapon, a magic weapon left by the original sun god.

Wan Ge and Lin Yi began to try to put the sundial back to its original place, but it was completely unsuccessful. The sundial resisted their power.

Lin Yi saw that he could not do it at all, and said helplessly: "I will ask the God of Time to come over."

The God of Time is the god in charge of time and a descendant of the original sun god. This sundial, perhaps only he can move it.

Wan Ge nodded.

When Lin Yi went to find the God of Time, Wan Ge began to study why the sundial fell off. The other magic weapons were still good, but it fell off.

And although it fell, it was still connected to other magic weapons, otherwise the seal here would have been invalid long ago.

Of course, in addition to the sundial falling off, there is another problem that the seal has cracks, and the seals in other places also have cracks, so they need to be repaired.

While Wan Ge was still thinking, Lin Yi came back.

"Come back so soon?" He came back just after he left.

With a faint smile on his face, Lin Yi took out the magic weapon of Shi Shen: "Shi Shen and his men are repairing it now and it is inconvenient for them to leave, but he gave me the magic weapon, saying that it can help restore the sundial."

Wan Ge nodded, and when the other party activated the magic weapon, he injected power into the other party, but when the other party was concentrating, Wan Ge launched an attack from his back.

"Lin Yi" spit out a mouthful of blood, the magic weapon in his hand fell to the ground, and the sundial returned to the direction where it just fell.

Wan Ge drew out his sword and put it against the opponent's neck: "Why do you do this? Time God."

The Time God fell to the ground, restored his appearance, wiped the blood from his lips: "How did you recognize it? My illusion should be impeccable."

"Yes, if there weren't too many doubts, I wouldn't have thought it was you. Why? You are the descendant of the sun god, the patron saint trusted by the gods, why do you do such a thing?"

When the Time God heard why, he laughed out loud: "Why? Why do you say? You and my people are dead. Look at this magic weapon. All the descendants of the owners of these magic weapons have survived. Only a few.

But why did our people die? There are obviously better ways. Obviously we shouldn't lose our relatives. Obviously there are so many gods in the gods.

What patron saint, it's just a tool for sealing."

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