"So it's your mother. What a coincidence. I just finished discussing a cooperation with Mr. Yun."

Mrs. Xiao spoke again: "I feel that you and my son have a good relationship. See, we know each other now."

When Wan Ge said this, he remembered what he said. He coughed lightly and his cheeks flushed slightly.

Mrs. Xiao knew everything, but she pretended to be innocent and said: "By the way, Mr. Xu has someone he likes, right? Could it be that the person Mr. Xu likes is my son?"

Looking at the two people holding hands tightly, it couldn't be more obvious.

"You told her that you like me?" Xiao Shuyu immediately looked at Wan Ge when he heard this, with expectation in his eyes.

Wan Ge nodded gently. Anyway, there was nothing to be shy about. After all, this was the fact.

"You like me?" Xiao Shuyu asked again.

"Yes." Wan Ge held his hand tighter and expressed his answer.

Xiao Shuyu was very happy in his heart, but at this moment, there was an inappropriate person in front of him, so he didn't show his happiness so obviously.

Madam Xiao also realized it, so she found an excuse to leave so that the two could get along well.

After Madam Xiao left, Wan Ge looked at Xiao Shuyu: "Don't you like your mother? It seems that you don't have a very good relationship."

Rather than being excited, Xiao Shuyu seemed to be more afraid.

Although she didn't get along with Madam Xiao much, Wan Ge still had a good feeling about this person.

Generally speaking, people she likes should not be bad people. Why does Xiao Shuyu seem so scared?

Xiao Shuyu hummed lightly and answered: "My parents were busy with work when I was young, so I am not close to them."

"So that's it." Wan Ge believed what he said, but she always felt that it was not just that.

The uneasy atmosphere on Xiao Shuyu's body became more obvious when the other party appeared. There must be something else here.

It was just that she felt that the other party obviously didn't want to say it, so Wan Ge didn't continue to ask.

Then the two of them went to many places and saw many things. With her company, Xiao Shuyu's mood became more stable and there was a smile on his face.

When sending Xiao Shuyu back to school, Wan Ge said that he had a hot spring villa in the suburbs, the environment was particularly good, and the current weather was also suitable for hot springs, and asked him if he wanted to go together.

Xiao Shuyu was of course willing.

After Wan Ge waved and said goodbye to him, Xiao Shuyu did not return to the dormitory immediately, but went directly to the hotel where his mother was.

When Mrs. Xiao opened the door and saw her son, she was still quite surprised. She did not expect that he would appear here.

Xiao Shuyu clenched his hands hanging by his side tightly, looked at the other party and said: "What do you want?"

Xiao Shuyu did not think that meeting him today was a coincidence, and did not think that the cooperation they talked about was a coincidence.

Madam Xiao looked at her son, who even looked at her with some hatred, and felt the pain in her heart become more obvious. She held the door handle tightly with her hand, but there was still a gentle smile on her face: "What are you talking about? I told you that I have no ill will towards her, you don't have to worry so much."

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