Wan Ge looked at the woman in front of him with mixed feelings. He thought that the couple had done something to hurt Xiao Shuyu, so Xiao Shuyu was hostile to them, and that they were so nice to him because of guilt, but he didn't expect the truth to be like this.

When Xiao Shuyu was young, he suffered from severe split personality because he was isolated and overly withdrawn.

No child does not desire company, but when he was a child, his parents were not around, his classmates isolated him, and he didn't even have a friend.

In this extreme situation, Xiao Shuyu suffered from a serious mental illness, that is, split personality.

The reason why the Xiao family couple reduced so much work was because they knew about their son's illness. In particular, Mrs. Xiao directly dropped her job and went home to accompany her son for treatment.

With medication, companionship, and the physiotherapy plan of a psychologist, Xiao Shuyu's condition gradually improved.

But for some reason, in his memory, he once had a friend, but he disappeared because of his parents.

In fact, the so-called friend was actually a fantasy of his. After the illness was cured, the friend naturally disappeared, and he naturally couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked.

Wan Ge closed the information in his hand, looked at Mrs. Xiao in front of him and said, "Have you never thought about telling him the truth? Aren't you afraid that he will hate you for the rest of his life?"

Xiao suddenly sighed and answered, "We are his parents after all, and it's okay for him to hate us. What's more, it was our failure to do well that led to his situation, and it's not completely wrong for him to regard us as enemies.

I can't tell him that there are no so-called friends, and everything is because he is sick. He has returned to the right track, why should we tell him about this and burden him?"

If he knew that he was a person with a history of mental illness, perhaps he would not be where he is now, let alone have such a good daughter-in-law.

"I assure you that he has no violent tendencies, and he really likes you and he really needs you, so please treat him well."

In fact, when Mrs. Xiao received the call and was silent, she was in a dilemma. On the one hand, after she told the situation, her son's marriage might be completely destroyed because of this action.

But she also felt that her daughter-in-law needed to know the truth, and she should not lie to her in any way. It was wrong to do so.

So in this situation, she finally said to Wan Ge: Let's meet.

When Wan Ge returned home with the information, he was still in a complicated mood. He sighed helplessly before entering the house. Xiao Shuyu was still selecting some materials and had not returned home.

Wan Ge locked the medical record book and put it away, then sent a message to ask him when he would be back. After getting the answer, he went into the kitchen to prepare to cook.

In this world, his mental illness was cured early, and now his life has returned to normal. Maybe he shouldn't break it.

And this matter has been left alone. Xiao Shuyu has never known about it. He just feels that Wan Ge seems to have intentionally or unintentionally eased the relationship between him and his parents.

Wan Ge doesn't want his relationship with his parents to be so stiff, and Xiao Shuyu can understand it, so he cooperates most of the time.

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