"Ruanruan, why is there no memory of the original owner in this world?" Wan Ge had already woken up at this moment, but there was nothing in his head about this world.

"The original owner just had a car accident, maybe it caused physical amnesia, I will go to investigate the cause." Ruanruan answered obediently.


Wan Ge heard Ruanruan say that, and he opened his eyes with relief, and then saw a man and a woman approaching.

"Baby, you finally woke up, how do you feel? Does your head still hurt? Mom and Dad will not stop you from being with Mo Xunyu, don't do stupid things."

Wan Ge looked at them blankly, and blurted out: "Who is Mo Xunyu? Who are you?"

The couple's faces changed instantly when they heard this sentence, and they immediately called a doctor when they felt something was wrong.

The doctor came to check it out quickly, and Wan Ge's reaction was fine.

So she told her parents about the situation: "I've said before that the blood clot in her brain may affect her memory, and maybe that's why she lost her memory."

"When will she get better?" Mr. Xiang asked nervously again.

The doctor shook his head: "It depends on the situation. Maybe after active treatment and the blood clot disappears, her memory will be restored."

"We know, thank you doctor." Mrs. Xiang said softly, looking back at her daughter with heartache in her eyes.

Wan Ge still looked at them innocently.

Wan Ge rested in the hospital for nearly half a month, and her injuries were almost gone, so the couple took her home.

Wan Ge still had a plaster cast on one leg, and she walked into the house with her parents on crutches, and the servant behind her pushed her wheelchair.

"Xiao Qin, please push the young lady back to the room to rest first." Mrs. Xiang said to the servant beside her, and the servant nodded quickly.

The servant named Xiaoqin pushed Wan Ge in a wheelchair, while another servant took the crutches she had just used and entered the elevator together.

Mrs. Xiang, who was standing in the living room, glanced at Mr. Xiang again and said, "What should we do now? Should we tell our baby's boyfriend about this situation?"

Mr. Xiang took a deep breath. In fact, he had been thinking about this matter for the past half month that his daughter had been in the hospital. Should he tell her?

In fact, it seems that the blood clot in Wan Ge's head will not affect her physical condition. The doctor also said that she had brain damage this time, and even if the blood was almost gone, she might have permanent amnesia.

If she lost her memory forever, he didn't want to tell his daughter, and she would forget it. But he was afraid that she was not, and that he would completely hate the two of them after he recovered his memory.

Mr. Xiang thought for a long time, finally sighed, and answered: "Let's not talk about it for now."

Mrs. Xiang temporarily agreed when she heard her husband say this, but she still couldn't understand: "According to the investigation, Mo Xunyu is very good to our daughter. Why do you dislike him so much? Is it because of his family conditions?

This child has great potential. His conditions will definitely get better in the future. I believe he will not let our daughter suffer."

Mr. Xiang immediately shook his head: "Do I look like such a superficial person? I just feel that he is not right. Sometimes I don't feel that he likes our daughter. I am afraid that he has other purposes."

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