Wan Ge also saw a familiar face in this class, that is Mo Xunyu. I didn't expect that they were classmates. But are they in love because they are in the same class?

Wan Ge only glanced at him when she found him, and then moved her eyes away. She chatted with Yun Qin before class and got to know the classmates around her again.

Perhaps it was because the original owner had a good relationship with people. Everyone in the class, except Mo Xunyu who ignored her now, was very enthusiastic about her.

The original owner lost the memory of her relatives and herself, but the memory of the text was still there. Although she was confused about the content of her studies for a moment because of the loss of memory, she soon had things about her major in her mind, and she could remember it as soon as she saw or mentioned her.

She didn't need to rely on Wan Ge's own knowledge, but relied on the original owner's memory to have a certain understanding of her major.

Yun Qin looked at Wan Ge's serious study and felt that she was particularly dazzling at this moment, so she couldn't help but study with her.

Of course, Yunqin also felt something was wrong, so she secretly asked what was going on between Wan Ge and Mo Xunyu.

But thinking of the fact that the other party had lost his memory, Yunqin patiently explained to the other party that Mo Xunyu was her boyfriend, and then asked her if she had any impression.

Wan Ge still shook her head hurriedly, but told her that they had met after he had a car accident.

"So you have met, but now you..."

Wan Ge continued to answer her: "Just like what you saw, I broke up with him."

"Break up? Why? You two are so compatible." Although Mo Xunyu's family conditions are not as good as Wan Ge's, his grades are particularly good. Even the laboratory teacher has praised him many times. In addition, he looks very good, so he will not feel inferior when standing with Wan Ge.

With his excellent conditions and his outstanding ability, he gives people the feeling that they are a natural match, one is rich and talented, and the other is talented and beautiful.

"Why so many whys? I don't remember him now, and I don't like him anymore. So I broke up with him."

Yun Qin looked at Wan Ge, who was hesitant to speak, and finally chose not to speak.

After a day of school, Wan Ge sat in the car on her way home and had a general understanding of the current situation.

The original owner and Mo Xunyu were real lovers, there is no doubt about this, but there are still many things about the two of them.

Some people say that Wan Ge loves him madly, but others say that Mo Xunyu treats her the same way.

Some people think that one of them is too high, but some people think that apart from family conditions, the other two are simply a match made in heaven, and they are also pleasing to the eye when handsome men and beautiful women stand together.

However, through understanding, Wan Ge feels that she has done more, and more importantly, she has been paying for Mo Xunyu.

Although Mo Xunyu made many promises to her on the surface, and in front of many people, it is difficult to put them into practice.

Sometimes there is a feeling that the original owner seems to have become a big victim. Because she became the one who has been silently giving.

On the way home, Wan Ge was still lamenting that she didn't see the little villain today. It seems that the other party may not be in the same profession or class as her.

As a result, at this critical moment, the sound of high-speed brakes came to her ears.

Fortunately, their car has very good performance and stopped the second it hit the person.

The other party seemed to be just gently pushed by the car. The driver hurried down to see the other party's situation.

The boy immediately got up from the ground, looked at the driver in front of him with a concerned face, and shook his head gently: "I'm fine."

The driver was still a little worried: "Are you really okay? Don't you really need to go to the hospital for a check-up?"

The boy nodded, thought about it and gave him his business card: "This is my business card. If you feel unwell, you can call me."

The boy finally took his business card and nodded again.

Wan Ge looked at the boy who left in a hurry, slightly raised his lips, and found someone.

The driver got back in the car and drove forward quickly.

When Wan Ge left the intersection, the boy looked back at the car that had just hit him.

There was a little pain in his leg. When Si Zhou arrived at the place where he was working, he pulled up his pants and found that there were a few scratches on his legs, but it didn't look like a big problem.

After getting his mentality in order, Si Zhou changed into his work clothes and started a new day of part-time work.He works in a restaurant near the school. Because the school is in a relatively prosperous area, the restaurant he is working in now is also of a relatively high standard.

Because he looks good, many people come for his looks, so he also has extra bonuses.

He has many part-time jobs, and the income is not low. In fact, he has the ability to make more money, but he doesn't have time.

Because his mother is sick, the daily hospitalization fee makes him have no time to make more money.

So he can only find this kind of monthly settlement after negotiation.

Of course, occasionally when he is lucky, he can help solve some computer problem orders. The higher the difficulty, the higher the fee, and it doesn't take that long for him. But this situation is relatively rare.

After changing his clothes, Si Zhou went to work, and the little accident that just happened was completely forgotten.

The next day, a beautiful woman sitting in a wheelchair with a plaster cast on her leg appeared in front of him.

Wan Ge smiled at him and said softly, "Hello, my name is Xiang Wan Ge."

"Hello, is there anything I can do for you?" Si Zhou replied in a cold voice.

Wan Ge said again, "I just wanted to see if you were okay. I'm really sorry for yesterday."

"Yesterday?" Si Zhou thought about it and thought he didn't seem to have seen this girl yesterday.

Wan Ge explained what happened yesterday, and Si Zhou realized that the car that hit him yesterday was the car of the girl in front of him.

He knew Wan Ge. He had heard of her. He heard that she and his boyfriend were very affectionate and that they were childhood sweethearts. He also heard that she spent a lot of money on her boyfriend.

Si Zhou didn't know what this rich girl was thinking, and he wasn't that interested. He just looked at the woman in front of him and didn't feel disgusted.

He thought he would hate that kind of self-righteous rich girl.

After Si Zhou came to his senses, he replied, "I'm fine, and you don't need to apologize."

I was in a hurry to go to work yesterday, so I forgot about the traffic lights for a while. To be honest, if there was any accident, it was my fault for running a red light.

So even if I had an accident, I couldn't ask the other party for compensation, and the other party didn't need to apologize.

"I'm glad you're fine. Where are you going in such a hurry now? Do you need me to take you?"

It was lunchtime at this moment, and Wan Ge looked at the boy in front of him and asked in confusion.

Si Zhou shook his head and replied, "No, the place I'm going is near the school. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Wan Ge nodded, then watched the boy walk to the side, scanned a small blue car and left.

Because of the loss of memory, there was no information about Si Zhou in my mind.

Now I have a certain understanding of him, but I just learned about it from my roommate this morning.

Wan Ge took out the photos taken by the dashcam and asked her roommate.

Because Si Zhou is also one of the most popular people in the school, his roommate knows him a little bit.

His roommate said that Si Zhou became the school idol as soon as he entered the school, and he became the favorite of many girls.

However, he usually does not have much contact with other people. It is said that he works part-time every day, so he rarely communicates with others.

However, his grades are very good. Except for the exams he missed, he always ranks first in the department. If the content is not different, he might still be the first in the school?

Moreover, he heard that Si Zhou was directly recommended, and the recommendation not only exempted him from tuition but also gave him a scholarship.

Si Zhou also participated in many competitions and got good results to bring honor to the school. However, every competition he participated in has a prize.

In general, the other party seems to be very short of money.

Wan Ge looked at the other party's hurried back and immediately guessed that the other party must be what the roommate said, working part-time whenever he has time.

But he was so short of money, Wan Ge still wanted to know the reason, so he asked someone to investigate.

When Wan Ge left the school gate, the driver immediately walked to her side and pushed her wheelchair.

Thinking of the man the lady mentioned yesterday, he spoke: "Miss, I just saw the boy we bumped into yesterday leaving the school gate."

Because the other person was very good-looking and always had a unique feeling, the driver remembered him. When the other person left the school gate just now, the driver immediately recognized him as the one he bumped into.

"Well, I saw him too. He said he is fine now, and there should be no problem. You don't have to worry."

"It's good that he is fine, but I saw that he went out yesterday and today.It's urgent, maybe there's something going on. "

Wan Ge waved her hand and replied, "Maybe there's something to do."

The two stopped discussing Si Zhou's affairs. Because there was no class in the afternoon, the driver came to pick Wan Ge up and take her home.

Wan Ge sometimes didn't want to go home before, so she would live in the school directly, but now the situation is different. She is still injured, so she needs to go home every day, and in a few days, Wan Ge will have to go to the hospital to remove the plaster.

Si Zhou's identity in this world is not particularly special, so knowing the name and the other party's detailed situation, and also having photos, it is very easy to check.

Wan Ge saw that the information showed that Si Zhou's father passed away when he was very young, and it was his mother who raised him up.

Mother and son depended on each other for many years, and his mother was very gentle and kind to children, so Si Zhou had a good relationship with his mother.

It was just after Si Zhou finished the college entrance examination, He found out that his mother was ill and was receiving treatment in the hospital every day. The hospitalization and treatment costs were quite high.

That was why he had so many part-time jobs and was so short of money.

He didn't even have time to build relationships with his classmates and roommates. He was very busy every day, but he still insisted on attending classes every day.

Thinking of the other party rushing to work part-time, Wan Ge felt distressed from the bottom of his heart.

Wan Ge thought of what he had just seen in the information that the hospital had applied for some help for Si Zhou, and he had an idea in his mind.

But he couldn't do it so obviously, but if he didn't think it was unusual, then he wouldn't be considered to have done it obviously.

Thinking of this, Wan Ge immediately called his father.

On the other side, a senior high school student who had just helped Si Zhou, a junior student, came out after taking a make-up class. Suddenly, he received a message from the hospital.

On the one hand, a group of experts who are more proficient in the field of Si Zhou's mother's illness will come soon, and her disease may have new progress.

On the other hand, the help the hospital applied for them was approved, and the donor will exempt all the subsequent hospitalization and treatment fees for his mother, so he can temporarily breathe a sigh of relief.

The hospital actually knew that his mother had undergone an operation for this disease and was rescued from the emergency room. The operation at that time almost used up their family savings.

Now the high daily expenses are earned by Si Zhou in every possible way.

Sometimes he didn't even change his work clothes, but ran to the hospital to pay the bills and brought food to his mother.

They also felt that it was not easy for Si Zhou, The child is an orphan and a widow, and the child is still in school, so the doctor took the initiative to ask the hospital for help.

Although Si Zhou didn't want to owe others, his mother's illness could not be delayed at all, so when the doctor told him, he agreed without thinking, anyway, he would pay it back when he made money in the future.

In front of his mother's illness, all pride can be given up.

Si Zhou immediately called the doctor back. After talking with the doctor, Si Zhou asked if he could meet the donor.

It would let him know who to find to repay the favor in the future.

The doctor replied that he would help him ask.

About half an hour later, the doctor sent him another message saying that the donor agreed to his request.

So, a week later, Si Zhou saw the girl in the wheelchair again.

When Wan Ge saw him, she seemed to be slightly stunned, and then smiled at him: "I didn't expect that we would meet here again, classmate Si."

"You helped us."

"Well, I think you can see that I was in a car accident before and was injured. So I respect life more, and I made some donations to major hospitals, hoping that other sick people can get better soon."

Si Zhou had heard that this time, in addition to himself, many people were helped, and the other party really spent a lot of money. But he didn't expect that this person would be Wan Ge.

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