Si Zhou is a good target, but how did he know?

"So what do you want to achieve by using him? You didn't lose your memory at all, right? You just want to use this excuse to divert your attention."

If Wan Ge could understand what he said at the beginning, but now what he said, Wan Ge was a little confused, what did he mean by this?

"What are you talking about?" Wan Ge showed a confused look, and the whole expression was extremely natural, as if he really didn't know what he was talking about.

In fact, Wan Ge didn't know what he was talking about at all.

"I'm really disappointed in you." Mo Xunyu seemed particularly disappointed and left directly.

Wan Ge felt even more confused, what a mess, if you don't understand it, don't think about it.

Wan Ge went directly to the driver's direction, and didn't take Mo Xunyu's words to heart.

Wan Ge finally added the other party's contact information today, and it was the other party who took the initiative to speak.


After that, Si Zhou still worked part-time to make money, but quit some jobs that he didn't like so much.

Of course, because he has more time, Si Zhou can also do some things to make money for himself, so that these programs take longer to do, but he does not need to worry about short-term money, and he can start doing what he is best at.

However, Si Zhou did not completely relax, because he knew too well that as long as Wan Ge was not happy, he could immediately stop all help, and it would be better for him to have some savings.

And try not to offend Wan Ge, but the other party gave him a good feeling, and Si Zhou did not want to offend her.

Since they had contact, Wan Ge and Si Zhou had become closer and closer, and some people even began to speculate about the relationship between the two. Faced with this situation, Si Zhou did not take it to heart.

Although he liked this person more and more after contact, he still felt that now was not the time for him to fall in love, and he knew in his heart that he was now completely different from Wan Ge.

Si's mother's education was actually successful, and Si Zhou was not inferior in his heart. But there is indeed a gap between them, a gap that is difficult to cross, so Si Zhou dare not think about it, not to mention that his mother is still sick at this time, and he doesn't have so many thoughts about love between men and women.

And even if he really thought about it, it's not now. He believes that he is good enough to match her, but not now.

Yun Qin naturally heard about these things, and she also felt that since Wan Ge lost her memory, she really had no contact with Mo Xunyu. The two seemed to have completely broken up and not the kind of peaceful breakup.

It feels that the atmosphere is quite subtle when the two meet.

Wan Ge said that they broke up because of amnesia, maybe it was because she completely forgot him, so the relationship between the two became like this.

Because she completely forgot him and had such an identity relationship, it was not suitable for contact, which became the current situation.

Just thinking about how much Wan Ge liked Mo Xunyu originally, she would worry about him after he recovered his memory in the future.

In fact, Yun Qin had tested Wan Ge many times, openly and secretly, but Wan Ge never seemed interested in him.

Yunqin thought of what Wan Ge had said before, that they had a tacit understanding when they met in junior high school, so they had always gotten along well.

They had been getting along until some time ago, before Wan Ge's accident.

To be honest, Yunqin sometimes felt that Wan Ge was a little love-brained, but sometimes she felt that the two of them were just going in both directions. Even if they were love-brained, they were in love with each other, and this kind of relationship was the best.

So Yunqin had secretly supported the two of them, but since Wan Ge lost her memory, it was completely broken.

People in the class also gradually discovered that the situation between them was not quite right, but it was not a problem, but some people had a chance.

In the second class in the morning, Mo Xunyu disappeared. He should have continued to attend the class, but he obviously skipped the class.

At this time, Yunqin told Wan Ge gossip again. The reason why Mo Xunyu did not come to class today was because Lin Qurou was sick and hospitalized.

She had gone to the hospital for a check-up because she was not feeling well before, and now she was staying in the hospital after the operation.

Yun Qin thought for a moment and said, "Oh, by the way, you may not remember it now. Lin Qurou went to the same school as you in junior high school, high school and university. I saw you two greet each other when you met before, so you should not have a bad relationship."

If they met in private, Wan Ge would take the initiative to greet people. In this case, their relationship should not be bad.

It is said that Lin Qurou and Mo Xunyu are true childhood sweethearts.Ma, the two have known each other since kindergarten.

If compared in this way, Wan Ge and Mo Xunyu can only be said to be half.

However, it is obvious that Lin Qurou and Mo Xunyu have a relationship, more like friends who grew up together, and at that time Mo Xunyu and Wan Ge were real lovers, and no one thought so much.

But now that Lin Qurou is sick, Mo Xunyu takes care of her so much, and I began to feel that the relationship between the two of them is extraordinary.

The reason why Yun Qin told Wan Ge all this is because she felt that they had broken up, and Wan Ge seemed to be uninterested in him because she had lost her memory.

What's more, Wan Ge and Si Zhou are very close now, and they look like a couple. Therefore, Yun Qin also thinks it doesn't matter and just treat it as gossip.

But to be honest, Wan Ge and Si Zhou, they look more suitable. Wan Ge is very beautiful and is recognized as the school flower. Although Si Zhou doesn't interact with people, his face has been determined to be the school grass since he entered college.

In addition, his grades are the best, so his position as the school grass is more stable.

Now the school beauty and the school hunk are walking together, and they are pleasing to the eyes no matter how you look at them.

The plaster on Wan Ge's leg has been removed long ago. Although she still needs to use crutches, she will probably be able to walk normally soon. They will look more compatible by then.

About half a month later, the hospital has issued a more detailed treatment plan for Si Zhou's mother. However, this treatment plan requires surgery, which has a higher risk but a higher chance of cure.

Now the plan is made by highly authoritative professional doctors, and the doctors who perform the surgery have countless experiences, which reduces the risk of surgery.

Si Zhou listened to their proposals. Although he was a little worried, he signed his name thinking that the possibility of cure was greater. Waiting for the operation to begin.

On the day of the operation, Wan Ge also sat beside him and waited for the results with him.

Si Zhou was particularly nervous, but because of Wan Ge beside him, he felt much more at ease.

They didn't wait long. The operation lasted about an hour. When the green light came on, the doctor came out.

He stood in front of them and said to them: "Congratulations, the operation went smoothly. With active treatment in the later stage, you will recover soon."

Si Zhou finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what he said. Compared with his usual cold appearance, he was more approachable: "Thank you, thank you very much."

"You're welcome." The doctor said this and looked at Wan Ge again. "I think you should thank Miss Xiang more. If it weren't for Miss Xiang, we wouldn't be here."

Si Zhou also remembered that he was given by Wan Ge's family this time, and these highly professional people came here for this reason.

So Si Zhou looked back at the people around him and bowed to her: "Thank you, Wan Ge."

Because they already knew each other, Si Zhou now called her name more intimately.

"You're welcome. We're all friends now. I'm glad to be able to help you."

Wange patted his shoulder and said, "I heard from my aunt that your cooking is very delicious. If you really want to thank me, then find a chance to treat me to a big meal. I want to eat what you made."

"This Sunday is fine." Si Zhou's recent programming has a new development direction, so he quit his job on Sundays, leaving only the usual guidance homework and Saturday work.

"Then I'll go to your house for dinner on Sunday."

Si Zhou nodded.

At this time, Si Zhou's mother was also transferred to the ward.

Because she had just finished the operation, she is still in the sterile ward. She will be transferred to the general ward after there are no problems.

At this moment, Wan Ge no longer needs crutches. As long as she doesn't do strenuous exercise, she can walk normally.

Si Zhou's mother has not woken up yet and can't eat yet. Seeing that it's getting late, Si Zhou suggested that the two of them go out to eat something first.

Wan Ge knew that the other party had not eaten well all day because he was worried about his mother's health. Now that he proposed this, she was naturally very happy.

But they didn't expect that it was snowing and drizzling outside when they came back. Because Wan Ge's legs had not fully recovered yet and he couldn't run so fast, Si Zhou directly carried him on his back and rushed into the hospital.

Wan Ge smiled when she saw him like this, and when she looked up, she saw Mo Xunyu.

At this moment, Mo Xunyu stood next to Lin Qurou, but there was another person standing next to Lin Qurou.

Lin Qurou didn't expect to meet Wan Ge here, because she was sick before and didn't pay much attention to what happened between them. She just heard that Wan Ge had a car accident.After that, she lost her memory. Now the two have broken up.

Lin Qurou changed out of her hospital gown. Today was the day she was discharged from the hospital. She had taken a few months off because of her illness. But she recovered well. It seems that she will be able to go to school normally soon.

When she heard Wan Ge, Lin Qurou took the initiative to greet her.

Wan Ge looked at the heroine with a halo and felt that she was not annoying. So when she took the initiative to greet her, she also replied: "You must be classmate Lin, hello."

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