Mr. Xiang recognized the other party, but not because of the other party's program. He admitted that the other party did a good job and he was very satisfied with it, so he met the other party.

But the reason why he was really satisfied with Si Zhou was because of his heart. He knew that only if he stood in a better place, showed his ability, and could give his daughter a guarantee, he would accept him. He understood, so he did it.

Maybe this is the difference between him and Mo Xunyu, and why he didn't think he was so annoying at the beginning?

And after experiencing what happened to his daughter before, he didn't plan to stop it, but he didn't expect the woman to suddenly tell him that she lost her memory and she didn't remember him.

And his daughter no longer likes that person, and likes someone who feels more reliable.

Originally, he had thought about it. Even if his daughter was really with Mo Xunyu, he only needed to do some guarantees and give his daughter a sense of security, and he didn't care about other things.

Fate is really unimaginable.

It was another ordinary weekend. Wan Ge held Si Zhou's hand and appeared in an ordinary community.

The community is not the kind of gorgeous, high-end community, but just a very ordinary community, but the construction is relatively new and the environment is not bad.

This is a place that Si Zhou specially chose, because although his mother's health has recovered a lot, it is still not very good. The house he rented after selling the house is not very good, so Si Zhou moved again, and he didn't want his mother to see what the house he moved to looks like after selling the house.

At present, Si Zhou is still renting this house, but he will definitely be able to buy it in a short time with his ability to make money. He will see the situation at that time. If possible, he wants to give his mother better conditions.

Aunt Si's face is ruddy. After a serious illness, although her mentality has changed a little, she is still very gentle and kind.

She was very happy to see Wan Ge coming. Aunt Si was actually a little worried at first. After all, Wan Ge's family conditions are too good. Although he is very confident in his son, at present, their conditions are indeed not quite consistent.

But she also saw that the two of them like each other so much, so as a mother, she can only support them.

"Wange, you're here. Auntie has cooked a lot of dishes you like. Come and sit down."

Wange smelled the fragrance of food as soon as she entered the door. There were indeed a lot of delicious dishes on the table.

After Auntie Si got better, she also found a relatively easy job. Although many things are not as good as before, she can take care of herself now.

Auntie Si actually felt guilty, thinking that she was dragging her child down. If she had a healthy body, or if she could get sick after Si Zhou graduated, maybe Si Zhou's whole university life would be different.

When others were still happily spending their college weekends, his child was working, or taking care of her in the hospital.

In addition to the hospitalization and treatment expenses, Si Zhou hired someone to take care of him because some things were inconvenient for him, so he was so short of money at that time.

"It smells so good, it seems I can enjoy a feast again." Wane took a bite and directly praised the other party for making it very delicious.

Hearing the other party's voice of liking, Auntie Si was very satisfied.

She really liked Wan Ge and was very grateful for her presence, otherwise she and her child would have suffered.

Si Zhou did not tell his mother that they were officially together now, because in his mother's eyes, they had been together for a long time.

After dinner, Si Zhou took Wan Ge for a walk downstairs, looking at Wan Ge and still a little nervous: "Are you really not going home today?"

"Why don't you welcome me to stay at your house? Haven't you cleaned up the guest room?" Wan Ge put the charger and other things in the guest room.

"I'm just worried that you won't get used to it."

Wan Ge took his hand and said: "Don't worry, I live well in school, and your family conditions are not worse than school."

Although Wan Ge lives in a better place in their school, the school is definitely not as good as home, even if Si Zhou is living in a very ordinary house now.

And it can be seen that after I told him, Si Zhou has prepared the softest bed and quilt for her, and the texture feels particularly good.

Si Zhou was relieved to hear her say that, and secretly vowed that he must grow up quickly and give her the best living conditions.

When the two of them returned to the gate of the community after their walk, an old man was obviously very excited when he saw him.

"You must be Si Zhou!" The old man's eyes were red, and he seemed to be very excitedmove.

At the same time, Wan Ge also saw the photo that the old man was holding tightly in his hand. It was an old photo, and it was yellowed. The adult man in it looked a bit like Si Zhou, and the girl holding the child was obviously Aunt Si.

"Who are you?" Si Zhou looked at the old man in front of him with a puzzled look, but he felt a bit close to the old man, so he was not repulsive to the old man in front of him.

Looking at Si Zhou, who looked a bit like his son, the old man was really grateful: "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself to you. I am your father An Li's father, that is, your grandfather."

At this point, the old man handed the photo in his hand to Si Zhou, and at the same time there were several photos of Si Zhou's father An Li.

Grandpa told Si Zhou that he and his grandmother divorced for various reasons, but in fact, they both liked each other, so when fighting for custody, seeing that his wife wanted the child so much, Grandpa did not continue to fight for custody.

Later, because of the busy business abroad, he went back to China to see his son every year and went back every few years, and Si Zhou's father also took his mother's surname.

This is also why Si Zhou also took his mother's surname, because Si Zhou's father thought it didn't matter, it was the same to follow the sex, anyway, they were all his children.

Later, because he developed very well abroad, he aroused the jealousy of some colleagues. It was not as safe abroad as in China, so for his own safety, he moved to a safer place.

Therefore, he did not receive the invitation and letter sent by his son.

Or he suddenly had an idea and returned to his former residence. He received a letter from his son and learned that his son was married.

He also learned that he moved because of marriage, so he did not find them.

Later, he thought that they should not have any accidents, so he did not continue to look for them.

It was not until he saw the letter many years ago that he made up his mind to find his son, but he did not expect that his son had died in an accident, but his grandson and daughter-in-law were still alive. So he found Si Zhou.

At this point, the old man suddenly became very sad. If he had insisted on looking for them, perhaps his son would not have had an accident, and his grandson would not have had such a hard time.

The old man also knew about Aunt Si's illness, and also knew what his grandson had gone through.

It's much easier to find someone now, unlike the past.

He was still thinking about how he would face Si Zhou, but he didn't expect that the other party would appear in front of him first. So he mustered up the courage to step forward.

Facing this sudden appearance of Si Zhou, Si Zhou was surprised, but he had also heard his father mention it.

Because they rarely met, his father didn't have a high impression of his father, but before they moved and lost contact, his grandfather had always sent alimony back every month, and he gave a lot.

And grandma never said bad things about grandpa in front of his father, so his father didn't hate grandpa. It was just a trick of fate.

Although Si Zhou's ability to accept is still relatively good, after all, it was such a sudden thing, and he still needs to talk to his mother about it.

Grandpa also expressed his understanding and said that he didn't plan to leave so soon after returning this time. He told Si Zhou his current address and contact information, and then went back first.

In fact, he had just gotten off the plane and rushed here, probably because he was eager to see his relatives.

But when he arrived, he became nervous again, so he kept wandering downstairs and didn't go up until Si Zhou and the others came back from a walk.

When he entered the elevator, Wan Ge looked at Si Zhou in front of him and asked him softly: "Do you need my help to investigate him?"

It seems that the other party is not deceiving Si Zhou, but it is not certain what the other party's purpose is. No one can confirm this.

Si Zhou thought about it and finally nodded and replied: "Okay."

Because his father rarely mentioned his father, Si Zhou was not sure what this grandfather was like. If Wan Ge was willing to help investigate, it would be good.

After all, the other party must have investigated him to find him, so it would not be too much for him to know him?

After returning to his house, Wan Ge sent a message and asked someone to check his grandfather.

The next morning, Wan Ge received a reply.

Since I know more detailed information, it is not difficult to investigate. My grandfather is a well-known entrepreneur abroad.

My grandfather is a foreigner in that country, so he is very recognizable.The information provided by the investigation said that when my grandfather was doing business abroad, it was not very smooth, because he was excluded and it was particularly difficult.

But under that condition, the other party still paid a considerable amount of alimony every month.

Moreover, my grandfather never remarried abroad and was always alone. He seemed to be fully devoted to his work, so any rumors about him could be found out as long as the investigation was done. There was absolutely no such thing.

It also confirmed what he said about having no other purpose.

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